Dombes half-blood

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Dombes half-blood
Half-breed from Ain from "Les races chevalines française et anglaises" by JB Robert (1910)

Half-breed from Ain from "Les races chevalines française et anglaises" by JB Robert (1910)

Important data
Origin: Dombes and Bresse , Ain , France
Main breeding area: Ain
Distribution: Ain
Stick measure : 156 - 160 cm in the 19th century
Colors : Brown and black horses
Main application area: Light cavalry , show jumping , cross-country and parforce hunting

The Dombes half-breed ( French demi-sang de la Dombes , also known as cheval de Bresse or demi-sang de l'Ain ) is an extinct French horse breed from the historic regions of Dombes and Bresse in what is now the Ain department . It was widespread there from the late Middle Ages to the 16th century. After an extensive requisition for the French army in 1799, only a few animals remained, which were crossed with Carrossiers du Cotentin , Percherons , Anglo-Normans and English thoroughbreds during the 19th century . In the following years the Dombes half-breed was used as a military riding horse and sport horse and served as a breeding breed for the Cheval de Selle Français in 1958 .


Historically, the Dombes half-breed was a riding horse , comparable in type to the Anglo-Arab . Documents from the middle of the 19th century name a height at the withers of 1.56 to 1.60 m and a black coat and describe it as elegant and "full of strength, energy and agility". More recent photos, on the other hand, show a fox-red to brown fur.

In the 1930s, the domber became a half- breed through crossings with the English thoroughbred , similar to the Anglo-Norman. The horse is now described as robust and spirited, of average size, weighing between 420 and 550 kg.

When it was selected as a breeding breed for the Selle Français in 1958, the Dombes half-breed was already 1.60 to 1.70 m high.

See also


  • Ch. Merlino: Mémoire sur la question de l'amélioration de la race chevaline en Dombes. Damptin, 1847.
  • Louis Trénard: L'évolution de l'économie agraire dans le nord-ouest de la Dombes depuis 1914. In: Les Études rhodaniennes. Vol. 22, No. 1, 1947, pp. 1-34.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b La Dombes et le cheval. Académie de la Dombes, accessed April 23, 2014 (French).
  2. Ch. Merlino: Mémoire sur la question de l'amélioration de la race chevaline en Dombes , 1847, pp. 3-4.
  3. Écoles nationales vétérinaires de Lyon et de Toulouse: Revue de médecine vétérinaire . Vol. 88, 1936, p. 394.
  4. Louis Trénard: L'évolution de l'économie , 1947, p. 19.