Domingo Cavallo

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Domingo Cavallo

Domingo Felipe "Mingo" Cavallo (born July 21, 1946 in San Francisco , Argentina) is an Argentine economist and politician . He held the post of Foreign Minister between 1989 and 1991 and between 1991 and 1996 and between March and December 2001 the post of Minister of Economics in his home country.


Cavallo obtained a degree in economics and a doctorate in economics from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba , in 1977 he moved to the USA and received his PhD in economics from Harvard University .

Cavallo is considered to be the father of the so-called Convertibilidad , an economic program from 1991 with which he successfully fought inflation during his tenure as Minister of Economics by pegging the peso 1: 1 to the US dollar. In 1996, however, he resigned from office due to internal party differences.

He ran in the 1999 presidential election and finished third behind Fernando de la Rúa with 10.2% .

He appointed him to the office of Minister of Economic Affairs in 2001 to stop the looming economic crisis. But there was nothing more he could do about the free fall of the Argentine economy. On December 20, 2001, after popular protests, he resigned from office after ordering all bank balances to be blocked ( Corralito ).

In the fall of 2003 and fall of 2004, he was visiting professor of economics at Harvard University.

Individual evidence

  1. Ediciones El País: El radical De la Rúa gana las elecciones en Argentina, según datos provisionales . In: El País . October 25, 1999, ISSN  1134-6582 ( [accessed May 18, 2019]).
  2. of March 20, 2001: "Cavallo should fix it"
  3. Visiting professors for Latin American studies at Harvard ( Memento of the original from August 18, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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