Dominique Barthélemy (historian)

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Dominique Barthélemy (born October 7, 1953 ) is a French historian . His specialty is the history of the Middle Ages .


In 1972 he graduated from the École normal supérieure in history. His teachers were Pierre Toubert and especially Georges Duby , whose works are now partially rejected, which goes back to the work of his pupil. Barthélemy wrote his dissertation in 1984 on the Coucy rule under the title: Les deux âges de la seigneurie banale. Pouvoir et société dans la terre des sires de Coucy (milieu du XI e - milieu du XIII e siècle) . In 1994 he became director of studies at the École pratique des hautes études and in 2000 professor of medieval history at the University of Paris IV , having previously taught history of the Middle Ages at the University of Paris XII .

As a specialist in historical anthropology , Dominique Barthélemy took up some older questions again and dealt with them in his doctoral thesis ( thèse d'État ) in 1993 on La société dans le comté de Vendôme, de l'an mil au XIV e siècle , which he did at the Sorbonne submitted.


First, Dominique Barthélemy analyzes what some historians have called the "turn of the year 1000" and tries to show that this date was not a special break, as society developed slowly and steadily since the High Middle Ages. This is how knighthood came into being in the Carolingian era and serfdom began to lose its importance at the same time. He thus contradicts the view of Jean-Pierre Poly and Éric Bournazel ( La mutation de l'an mil at-elle eu lieu? Servage et chevalerie dans la France des X e et XI e siècles ).

He also interprets the role of the clergy with regard to the feudal violence of the 11th century in Chevaliers et miracles: la violence et le sacré dans la société féodale : According to Dominique Barthélemy, the church has long protected the weak, but he also shows that rulership and clergy were linked in order to maintain their respective power over the peasants.

Finally, Dominique Barthélemy draws in his 2007 work La chevalerie. De la Germanie antique à la France du XII e siècle a new image of chivalry in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Again the church provides the image of chivalry, which is admonished and disciplined by the peace of God to be lenient. According to the author, this softening of the knighthood takes place at the royal courts, where the battle becomes a celebration.


  • Les deux âges de la seigneurie banale. Pouvoir et société dans la terre des sires de Coucy (milieu du XI e - milieu du XIII e siècle) . Sorbonne, 1984 (thèse préparée sous la direction de Jean-François Lemarignier puis d'Olivier Guillot).
  • L'Ordre seigneurial. In: Nouvelle Histoire de la France médiévale. Volume 3, Seuil, 1990.
  • La société dans le comté de Vendôme, de l'an mil au XIV e siècle. Sorbonne, 1993 (thèse d'État; première médaille du Concours des antiquités de la France en 1994, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres )
  • La mutation de l'an mil at-elle eu lieu? Servage et chevalerie dans la France des X e et XI e siècles. Fayard, 1997.
  • L'an mil et la Paix de Dieu: la France chrétienne et féodale (980-1060). Fayard, 1999.
  • Chevaliers et miracles: la violence et le sacré dans la société féodale. Colin, 2004, ISBN 978-2200266196
  • La chevalerie. De la Germanie antique à la France du XII e siècle. Fayard, 2007; Perrin “Tempus”, 2012. ISBN 978-2262037208
  • Nouvelle Histoire des Capétiens (978-1214). Le Seuil, L'Univers historique, 2012. ISBN 978-2020851633
  • La bataille de Bouvines. Histoire et legends. Perrin, 2018, 542 pp.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Concours des antiquités de la France .