Dorster Forest

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The Dorster Forest is a wooded area in the district of Calvörde .

Location, naming and special features

The Dorster Forest is located north of the village of Dorst in the municipality of Calvörde and between Klüden and Zobbenitz . the name is derived from the village of Dorst. It once belonged to the ducal forest Calvörde / Calvörde forest . Before January 1, 2010, the forest area belonged to the municipality of Dorst.


  • Hans-Martin Arnoldt, Kirstin Casemir, Uwe Ohainski (eds.): The Gerlach map of the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1763–1775) (= publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen 235). Hahn, Hannover 2006, ISBN 3-7752-6035-8 (folder with 18 folded multi-colored map sheets, scale 1: 42,000, and booklet).

Web links

Coordinates: 52 ° 23 '28.2 "  N , 11 ° 23' 9.4"  E