Dragon War

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Dragon War
Original title Легенда: Наследие Драконов
Studio IT Territory
Publisher My.Com
RussiaRussiaSeptember 2006 November 2008 March 2008 June 6, 2005 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 December 2010
United StatesUnited States
platform Browser game / client
genre Fantasy MMORPG
control mouse and keyboard
system advantages
Internet access, browser, Flash Player 10 or higher, open port 5050 for the address www.warofdragons.de
language multilingual, u. a. German English

Dragon War (OT: Russian Легенда: Наследие Драконов , transcribed Nasledie Drakonov , English War of Dragons , WOD for short ) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). It was developed by the Russian development company IT Territory and was first published in Russia in 2006 under the title "Legend: the legacy of dragons" (Легенда: Наследие Драконов). In 2008 Mail.ru Games GmbH (formerly Astrum Online Entertainment) localized and published it for the German market as “Dragon War”. Mail.ru Games GmbH operated the game on the European market in seven languages ​​until 2011. In 2011 all rights to the game were sold to the Dutch online game publisher My.Com.

In 2011, over eight million players worldwide were registered in the browser game Dragon War. The game has repeatedly won the prize for the best Internet presence (“Premia Runeta”) in Russia and has now achieved cult status there.

The specialty of Dragon War is the combat system, which, unlike many other browser games, is fully animated.


The online game Dragon War is free and playable in the browser without downloading. The game does not require any monthly fees. The income from this so-called free-to-play business model comes primarily from the shops in the game, in which the player can purchase a large selection of different game items such as armor and weapons for virtual play money (gold). The player receives small amounts of gold, silver or copper in the game as a reward for battles with monsters or for successfully completing quests. In addition, the player can purchase the game currency diamonds for real money, which he can then exchange for gold in the game bank. The success of this business model results from the “exceptionally high ARPU” (average revenue per user), which is well above the market average.

Game world

The MMORPG Dragon War takes place in the fantasy world Feo, in which humans and the Magmares have been fighting for centuries and fighting for supremacy. The two races live on the two different continents Ogrij and Khair, on which the main plot of the online game takes place. In addition to these continents, there are the islands of Fej-Go and an underwater world in the Ballurian Ocean, which borders on the continents. In the game world of Dragon War there are different landscapes such as moors, steppes, forests and plateaus as well as cities and smaller villages. There are also instances and battlefields in caves, grottos and castles. The game's graphics are implemented “with great attention to detail”.

In the game chronicles, the history of the world of Feo up to the present "era of dragons" is presented as an ongoing struggle between the necessary balance of good and evil on the one hand and uncontrolled chaos on the other. The balance is guarded by Scheara, the master of the dragons and her two dragons Striagorn and Erifarius, the guardians of the magmares and the humans. This equilibrium is in jeopardy: the destructive chaos in the form of the Chaos Army and the “chaos” it spreads require the joint efforts of humans and Magmars, who are forced to put their hostility in the background in favor of saving Feo.

Game flow

The player can complete quests (tasks / missions) in the browser game Dragon War and fight with monsters in order to get experience points to increase his level and rewards such as virtual money or other items. In the course of the game, options open up to the player, such as learning different professions, achieving a reputation with various associations (reputations), acquiring mounts and companions and learning magic (more on this in the Game Components section ).

Game mechanics

The player controls his character between different, interrelated views in order to move around and interact within the world of Feo. From the static location view he can select the hunting mode, where he changes to the bird's eye view and can attack monsters or “farm” resources. The combat system itself is a dynamic, fully animated 2D third-person perspective in Flash technology, in which the player sees his character fighting against the respective opponent.

In order to be able to defeat an opponent, the right tactics are important in addition to the characteristics of the game character. This includes the use of specially learned punch combinations, so-called super strikes, and the use of various aids such as scrolls, amulets or elixirs, which either strengthen the character of the game or weaken the opponent. Powerful armor sets and weapons also increase the character's characteristics such as strength, endurance or dexterity.

Various types of interaction are possible during the course of the game. Players can form a group or a clan, trade, visit instances and battlefields or take part in events. In addition, it is possible for them to communicate with one another via the in-game chat and the forum. It is advisable to team up with other players, as many monsters can hardly be dealt with on your own.

Fighting styles

There are three different fighting styles in the online game Dragon War: crook, bone breaker and heavyweight. They differ in the different alignment of their skills. A character's combat style is selected by the armor set they wear. While a set of the crook increases the chance of dodging in combat, a variant of the bone breaker deals significant critical hits with its two-handed weapons. The heavyweight on the other hand, with his heavy armor, is much more enduring in everyone.


When registering, the player decides for one of the two races: You can choose between the rational people or the more wild and combative magmares. These two breeds differ in their characteristics. They live on two different continents that are similar in structure and make-up, but not identical. The choice of race is decisive for the continent on which the player is based. However, it is possible to travel to the territory of the opposing faction and attack a player of the hostile race directly there, as well as on your own territory. This special feature theoretically enables PvP battles anytime and anywhere.

Rank systems

There are 15 ranks from recruit to master. Every newly registered player is automatically recruited. Ranks are increased by maintaining boldness, which can be obtained especially on battlefields where larger armies of the two races wage PvP battles against each other. These ranks are crucial in order to gain access to particularly powerful weapons and armor that have a decisive influence on the course of the fight.

Game components


The player in the browser game Dragon War has the choice between nine professions, from which he can choose up to three. They are divided into collective occupations, production occupations and freelance occupations. The player can learn one profession from each category.

The collecting professions collect resources, whereas the production professions process resources further with the help of recipes. The collecting occupations and the production occupations can be combined in such a way that you can directly process the resources you have collected yourself. When choosing the free professions burglar, healer and executioner, the player decides on certain additional options in the game.

Collecting professions Manufacturing jobs Liberal professions
Herbalist alchemist housebreaker
Fisherman Sorcerer healer
geologist jeweler hangman


The player can improve his reputation with an association of NPCs, a so-called reputation, by killing certain monsters, giving in resources and relics, visiting instances or participating in certain battlefields. There are currently 39 reputations in the online role-playing game Dragon War, including knights, hunters, gods and various races.

A reputation gives access to special rewards such as scrolls, amulets and rare artifacts when a certain number of reputation points are reached. Some reputations such as the mercenaries or the evildoers and the brotherhood of virtue are in competition with each other, so that an increase in one reputation automatically causes the others to decrease.


The player can choose from over 20 mounts. From a goat to tigers, panthers, rhinos, birds and various fantasy animals, everything is represented. They are called via special amulets and differ in level and skills. Mounts help the player in battle, improve his transition speed between the locations and give him additional places (slots) in the combat backpack. You can get amulets for mounts in quests or buy them in in-game shops. Different mounts can be upgraded and receive additional skills such as a poison bite.

Regular events

Regular events are incidents integrated into the course of the game, such as the appearance of rare monsters or resources in a certain location, which repeat themselves at certain, planned intervals. Anyone can take part without registering. With regular participation in events the player increases his influence in an area of ​​the world Feo. At certain levels of influence, rewards are available, and influence is necessary to acquire pets.


Companions are called small pets such as owls, puppies, ghosts or bees, which the player can always have around them. They help in combat by applying certain effects on their own. The companions can be trained, thereby improving their characteristics. They also level up like their owner by receiving ten percent of their experience. This increases the frequency of the effects being applied in combat. The reputation of the hunters, which was introduced in 2018, has made the companions even more important, as they are the main actors of this faction.


A clan is a solid association of several players, similar to a guild in other games. Clan members complete tasks such as quests together, organize fights, or set up a community of players for social and communicative reasons. The clan members have their own chat channel (clan chat) and a clan cash desk. The clans can level themselves just like the game characters. From clan level 2, clans can take part in the siege of the castle and fight for possession of the castle. There is also a clan estate, the so-called Clanzitadelle. Through various activities, the clan members collect resources and energy points with which they unlock bonuses for themselves and the other clan members.


Any player in the role-playing game Dragon War can become a battle mage, but only from the 11th level, which is a relatively advanced level. However, this opens up new possibilities for the player in combat, which give him advantages over non-magicians. The user has the choice between the six schools of magic of air, water, light, fire, earth and shadow, with three of each race being accessible. Each school of magic is associated with one of the three fighting styles. With the help of tomes, the player can learn incantations from his school that he can use on his opponent in battle.


Every player from level 5 has the opportunity to buy his own country estate and to expand it in the course of the game with energy obtained in battle and the resource Riolit. There are various buildings available to the player, including a hospital, an animal breeding facility, a workshop and a warehouse. Furthermore, players can set up their own throne room.


In the online game Dragon War, several events are regularly held weekly. They develop the main plot in side stories, add completed episodes or celebrate holidays. These quests are either one-on-one or stretch over several weeks. There are one-off events, but also events that are repeated irregularly or regularly. All events will be announced in advance in the game news.

This gives players additional opportunities for a short time to get rare items or to improve their properties such as boldness. To do this, they have to take part in tournaments, solve puzzles, answer quizzes, collect items or attend special events in the game. The events take the form of special quests, PvE events, PvP battles or special in-name sales promotions.


Updates are carried out at irregular intervals, in which the interface is adapted and the game world is expanded with new features and additional content.

After the start in November 2008, the first update took place in March 2009, which added a lot of new locations, NPCs and monsters to the game world. This was followed by three minor updates in June, August and November 2009, which mainly added improvements to the interface, new quests and new items. The next big update took place in September 2010 and brought among other things new functions and companions. Another comprehensive update followed in April 2011, which introduced a completely new environment with the Eiswelt and also many new functions, such as B. Clan coat of arms added. Further updates were carried out, which enable fights on the battlefields between the individual country servers and further areas (fog islands) were added. In the meantime several new areas, levels, instances, reputations and countless other features have been added to the game.

When support for Flash was switched off, the game was switched to the HTML5 format in the browser at the beginning of 2020, and an adjustment of the in-house game client is also expected for 2020


The (German) players regularly criticize the stability of the international servers, which in the event of a failure can lead to a loss of experience and boldness, which are very important in this game. Another point of criticism are events that take place at irregular intervals in the game, such as the one-armed bandit or the fair for rarities that tempt you to deposit (in a free online game), or the prices of the items or items at the fair can be changed (even during the event).

Individual evidence

  1. Portfolio of Mail.ru Games GmbH ( Memento of the original from May 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / corp.mail.ru
  2. “Dragons and Heroes from Russia”, accessed on December 15, 2010 at galaxynews.de
  3. 5,000,000 players in Dragon War , accessed on December 15, 2010 at galaxynews.de
  4. Dragon War Test, accessed on December 15, 2010 at www.mmog.at ( Memento of the original from April 11, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mmog.at
  5. ^ "Chronicles", accessed on December 15, 2010 at www.warofdragons.de
  6. The update is here !! Retrieved on December 22, 2010 from warofdragons.de
  7. Game news accessed on December 22, 2010 at warofdragons.de
  8. "Finally, a new chapter begins!" Retrieved on December 17, 2010 from warofdragons.de
  9. “An update full of hot new features!” Accessed on May 16, 2011 at warofdragons.de

Web links