Compressed air diving device

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The scuba set ( DTG ), even scuba cylinders or English Scuba ( acronym for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus called), is a fundamental part of the diving equipment in diving - both in commercial diving and during scuba diving .

It supplies the diver with breathing gas . This can be normal, compressed air (called compressed air or compressed air) or another breathable compressed gas mixture. The compressed air diving device consists of a compressed air cylinder and a regulator with an upstream pressure reducer . The first stage, the pressure reducer, reduces the cylinder pressure (usually a maximum of 200 to 300 bar ) to a constant mean pressure. This is in a range between 4 and 15 bar, depending on the respective system. The second stage, the regulator, in turn reduces the mean pressure, depending on the depth, to just above the ambient pressure. Additional components of the compressed air diving device can be:

  • Diving mask that allows breathing through the mouthpiece on the regulator.
  • Octopus , an additional parallel second stage for emergencies.
  • Inflator hose for supplying the buoyancy compensator .
  • If necessary an air hose to supply a dry suit .
  • Pressure gauge to display the tank pressure.
  • Pressure transmitter of a wireless, air-integrated dive computer , also called transponder .
  • Air-integrated, hose-connected dive computer.

This device is also known under the term scuba , especially in English-speaking countries . Scuba is an English acronym for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (German: "Autonomes Unterwasser- Pneumatic Breathing Apparatus " or " Self-contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus ") and was coined in 1939 by the US Navy . Originally called SCUBA the rebreathers ( Engl. Rebreather ) of frogmen . Later the abbreviation became more and more synonymous with compressed air diving equipment. In contrast to the free or apnea diver , snorkeler or surface- supplied diver, the scuba diver has his air supply in a compressed air cylinder, from which he can breathe with the help of a regulator. Scuba diver is now a common term for sport or scuba divers.

Individual evidence

  1. Autonomous diving. Scuba diving. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on January 6, 2011 ; retrieved on May 19, 2011 : “When scuba diving, the diver is supplied with air externally by a compressed air diving device. The compressed air diving device consists of a compressed air cylinder and a regulator. ” Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b What the word Scuba stands for. Retrieved on May 19, 2011 (English): "The word is an acronym that stands for Self-Contained-Underwater-Breathing-Apparatus"