Jamal al-Hajj Sharif

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Jamal al-Hajj Sharif (Arabic جمال الحاج شريف, English Jamal al-Hajj Sharif ) (* around 1930 in Sulaimaniyya , Iraq ) is a former Kurdish lawyer and politician in Iraq . From 1980 to 1983 he was Ahmad an-Naqschbandi's successor, First Secretary General (Chairman) of the Executive Council (regional government) of the Kurdish Autonomous Region in Northern Iraq, before handing over the chairmanship to Yahya al-Jaf . In 1984 he was re-elected as a member of the Executive Council (i.e. minister).

His term of office marked the beginning of the Iraqi-Iranian war , into which the Kurdish region was drawn after the wing of the Kurdish Democratic Party led by Barzani had allied itself with Iran (1983 attack on Hajj Umran and attack on Penjwin ). With Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan , however, the Iraqi central government and the Kurdish regional government initially managed to reach a ceasefire agreement.


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