Jund al-Islam

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Jund al-Islam (also Jund al-Islam , Arabic جند الإسلام, DMG Ǧ and al-Islām  'Army of Islam') was an Islamist group in northern Iraq . It was created in September 2001 through an amalgamation of various splinter groupings of the Islamic Unity Movement Kurdistan . First the Kurdish Hamas group , then in 2000 the Tauwhid ( monotheism ) group split off from this group and later united to form the Islamic United Front . The latter then united with the Markaz (center) under the leadership of Abu Abdallah al-Shafi in August 2001 to form Jund al-Islam, which was proclaimed in Kormal (Iraq) in September 2001. The Second Soran Unit under Aso Hawleri also joined the Jund al-Islam.

It is known that Jund al-Islam members in Afghanistan either fought on the side of the Taliban or were trained by al-Qaeda . According to member Omar Barziani, the founding of Jund is said to have been initiated in Afghanistan. He also reported on meetings there with Osama bin Laden , Aiman al- Zawahiri and Abu Musab al- Zarqawi before the founding of Jund al-Islam. Members of al-Qaeda were probably present when it was founded, and money is also said to have come from al-Qaeda.

The chairman of Jund al-Islam was Abu Abdallah asch-Shafi, deputy chairman Aso Hawleri. The group was not unknown in northern Iraq. She drew attention to herself when she carried out attacks against Kurdish politicians with the aim of establishing an Islamic order. She fought repeatedly with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan . The Junds were estimated to have a total of 1,000 followers.

On December 10, 2001 , the Jund al-Islam united with the Islamist splinter group Isla to form Ansar al-Islam ( Helpers of Islam ) under the leadership of Mullah Krekar . The Ansar al-Islam has presumably been renamed Ansar al-Sunna ( supporter of the Sunna ). Some members of Jund al-Islam such as Omar Barziani or Hemen Banischari also came to the group at-Tawheed wal-Jihād of az-Zarqawi.

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