Duncan Cameron (painter)

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Duncan Cameron (* 1837 in Perthshire , Scotland , United Kingdom , † 1916 in Edinburgh ) was a Scottish landscape painter .


Cameron studied in Dundee and South Kensington, London . He was active in Stirling and Edinburgh. He was best known for his interpretations of the Scottish landscape, with particular preference for staging grain fields. Between 1872 and 1900 he exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts and the Royal Society of British Artists . He received the gold medal for best landscape painting at the Crystal Palace in 1876 .

Works (selection)

  • A breezy day off the fife coast
  • Off the Ardnamurchan Peninsula
  • Tarbert, Boats Going Out
  • Head of Loch Venachar
  • Haystacks
  • Arran from the Ayrshire Coast
  • Highlands with stream
  • Scottish Landscape With Sheep, Shepherds, Horse and Dog

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