E network
After the A , B and C network of the German Federal Post Office and the digital mobile radio network D network according to the GSM standard, the E network ( radio telephone network E / E1 ) was set up in Germany in 1994 . It was a telephony-oriented , digital cellular network in Germany that was based on the GSM standard and used the DCS-1800 frequency range at 1800 MHz. The main difference to networks that use the GSM-900 frequency range is the lower transmission power of the end devices and base stations.
The world's first DCS-1800 installation was the One2One network (later T-Mobile UK ) in Great Britain .
Today the D-Netz and the E-Netz are combined into a digital cellular network.
Country specifics
Federal Post Minister Wolfgang Bötsch (CSU) granted the license in 1993 to set up a third digital cellular network, the E1 network. The name is derived from the naming conventions for the analog car telephone networks A , B and C networks as well as the first digital network, the D network .
The E-Plus network, which is also known as the E1 network, was launched on the market in May 1994 as the first E network in Germany . The main shareholders were Vebacom and Thyssen Telecom . Along with Mannesmann, E-Plus was the second private operator of a public telecommunications service. In 1997, Viag Interkom (now O 2 ) followed as the second E network operator (E2 network ).
In the meantime, the Dutch KPN Mobile NV has sold E-Plus to the Spanish Telefónica . Telefónica, as the owner of the former Viag intercom network (taken over by the British O 2 plc ), is merging the two networks. According to plans, these should be completed by 2021.
In addition to E-Plus and O 2 , which each acquired 112 frequencies, T-Mobile and Vodafone also operate in the DCS-1800 band. In 1999 they acquired 25 (T-Mobile) and 27 (Vodafone) mobile radio frequencies in the band in order to better compensate for bottlenecks in the P-GSM area and to be able to offer additional capacities for the strong customer growth.
By 1998, significantly more than the planned 75 percent of the population in Germany had E-Plus radio coverage. The maximum transmission power of the E-Netz mobile phones is 1 watt and should overall lead to low battery consumption and thus relatively long talk and standby times. Because of the lower transmission power and the higher free space attenuation , the E networks would require more radio stations than the GSM 900 networks in order to guarantee the same coverage as the D networks. The E-grids would therefore have to be “linked” more closely. Nevertheless, the D networks (T-Mobile and Vodafone) have more stations in operation than the E network operators E-Plus and O 2 . The reason for this is that the D-Netz operators supply significantly more customers and have accordingly built more stations for capacity reasons.
Since the signals are attenuated more strongly at higher frequencies, the range is less than in the 900 MHz range ( D network ). The system-related maximum range up to which signal propagation times can be compensated is generally approx. 35 km in GSM networks.
In Austria
In Austria , E-Netz was the name for the Telekom Austria network according to the GSM standard in the 900 MHz range until 1996 . This network was renamed A1 in June 1996 .
- Christel Jörges and Helmut Gold : Telephones 1863 until today; From the collections of the Museums for Communication; Edition Braus, 2001; ISBN 3-926318-89-9 ; Pp. 291-292
Individual evidence
- ↑ 3GPP TS 45.005: Radio transmission and reception; Chapter 2: Frequency bands and channel arrangement
- ↑ 3GPP TS 45.005: Radio transmission and reception; Chapter 4.1: Transmitter characteristics - Output power
- ↑ teltarif.de: Network consolidation at Telefónica is progressing , accessed on February 8, 2017