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EBSW is a former Lithuanian investment company based in Kaunas . The founders were Gintaras Petrikas , Algirdas Pašukevičius and other Lithuanian entrepreneurs. The group with its subsidiaries and holdings (allegedly) achieved a turnover of one billion litas between 1992 and 1994 .


In 1992 the investment group EBSW founded 9 investment companies :

  • "Investicinė Kauno holdingo kompanija"
  • "Trikotažo investicija"
  • "Statybinių medžiagų investicija"
  • "Farmacija"
  • "Šviesusis rytojus"
  • IAB "Kauno holdingo kompanija ir partneriai"
  • "Vilinvest"
  • "Nekilnojamasis turtas"
  • "Bituko investicija"
  • Banks :
    • Komercijos ir kredito bankas
    • Lietuvos valstybinis komercinis bankas.

These subsidiaries collected the funds (in the then post-communist country with shock therapy ) from inexperienced natural legal persons. Due to the solid capital they privatized more than 20 companies and acquired many companies as investment companies for so-called investment checks (e.g. the company "Inkaro holdingas" for 8.5 million litas ) and had a great influence in other companies.

In 1995 the bankruptcy proceedings for the EBSW subsidiary "Investicinė Kauno holdingo kompanija" were opened and the group's assets were charged by the court as a provisional measure. Subsequent insolvency proceedings in several subsidiaries showed large losses.

In April 1995 one of the largest Lithuanian electronics manufacturers " AB Banga " became insolvent: the debts amounted to 117 million Litas, equity and assets were worth about 79 million Litas. 7,000 people were employed in the company. Then AB Inkaras became insolvent.

The debts of the EBSW Group for natural persons alone amounted to more than LTL 80 million (number of creditors: around 15,000 people).

See also

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