Bundle of layers

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The plane bundle is in the perspective representation of three-dimensional objects, the amount that contain a common point of all levels, the carrier of the plane bundle.

If the beam is a far point , that is, an "intersection" of a set of parallel straight lines, then all the intersection lines of the bundle planes are parallel. The spatial bundle of planes is a basic structure of the second level, comparable to the bundle of straight lines in the plane.


In synthetic geometry , based on axioms and theorems, the phrase "contains the common point" is replaced by "incised with a point" and the definition is:

In synthetic projective geometry, the plane bundle is the set of all planes that intersect with a point .

See also

  • Intersection , common point of two curves in a plane or in space.
  • Intersection line , the intersection of two non-parallel planes in three-dimensional space.


  • Hanfried Lenz : Lectures on projective geometry , Leipzig 1965
  • Small Encyclopedia of Mathematics ; Leipzig 1970, pp. 216-217.