Eberhard von Sax

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Eberhard von Sax (kneeling) ( Codex Manesse , fol.48v)

Eberhard von Sax (1309 documented) from the noble family von Sax was like his uncle Heinrich von Sax a German minstrel. The Codex Manesse (49 rv ) contains a completely preserved praise of Mary and a fragmentary praise of Christ. He was a Dominican in the preaching monastery in Zurich and is identified by Rudolf Sillib and Ewald Jammers with an Eberhart pictor recorded in Constance in 1296 . Sillib argues with the Dominican tradition of the Advent image , which is here transformed into a literary dedication image . The described scroll in miniature is a typical element of a dedication or devotion picture. Eberhard von Sax dedicates his praise to Mary to the enthroned Mother of God. Sillib and Jammers identify him as the first supplement painter to the Codex Manesse, while Brinker does not consider this conclusion to be certain.

The Marienlob is in the tradition of Konrad von Würzburg . His motif of the goldsmith is taken up in the first stanza. In terms of content, primarily figurative Marian attributes and inability praise of the lyrical self are used to praise the Mother of God. In the last section there is an intercession . Claudia Brinker offers an interpretation and a modern translation.


  • Friedrich Heinrich von der Hagen (Ed.): Minnesinger. German song poets of the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth centuries […] , Vol. I, Leipzig 1838, pp. 68–71 Google Books
  • Karl Bartsch (Ed.): Die Schweizer Minnesänger (Library of older written works in German-speaking Switzerland, 6), Frauenfeld 1886, No. 28, pp. 198–200 Internet Archive
  • Thomas Cramer (ed.): The smaller song poets of the 14th and 15th centuries I , Munich 1977, pp. 188–194, 451


  • Gustav Roethe:  Eberhard von Sax . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 30, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1890, p. 457.
  • Rudolf Sillib : The Manessische Liederhandschrift. Introductions , Leipzig 1929, p. 24 f.
  • Ewald Jammers : The royal songbook of German minnesong. An introduction to the so-called Manessische Handschrift , Heidelberg 1965, here pp. 93–96
  • Claudia Brinker: Heinrich and Eberhard von Sax: Two minnesingers in the Manessische Liederhandschrift , in: Werdenberger Jahrbuch 5 (1992), pp. 59-70 online
  • Claudia Brinker: The Manessische Liederhandschrift in Zurich. Exhibition catalog , Zurich 1991, pp. 119–129

Web links

Wikisource: Eberhard von Sax  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Martina Wehrli-Johns: Sax, Eberhard von. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland
  2. Sillib 1929, p. 24 f.
  3. Claudia Brinker: Heinrich and Eberhard von Sax: Two minnesingers in the Manessische Liederhandschrift , in: Werdenberger Jahrbuch 5 (1992), p. 60 f.
  4. ^ Claudia Brinker: Heinrich and Eberhard von Sax: Two Minnesingers in the Manessische Liederhandschrift , in: Werdenberger Jahrbuch 5 (1992), p. 61
  5. Claudia Brinker: Heinrich and Eberhard von Sax: Two minnesingers in the Manessische Liederhandschrift , in: Werdenberger Jahrbuch 5 (1992), pp. 62–64 and 67–70