Ecuador TV

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Infobox radio tower icon
Ecuador TV
Station logo
TV channel
reception Antenna (VHF), cable, satellite
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission October 2007
Broadcaster Ecuador TV
List of TV channels
Ecuador TV building in Quito

Ecuador TV is the public television broadcaster of Ecuador . It was founded in October 2007 with the help of a donation of US $ 5 million in non-repayable capital from the Venezuelan development bank Banco de Desarrollo Social y Económico de Venezuela (BANDES) .

Ecuador TV went live at the same time as the Constituent Assembly was installed in Ecuador , so its sessions could be broadcast live across the country.


The station broadcasts content from national and international producers and documentaries and news programs from some international television stations such as Discovery , TVE , BBC , Deutsche Welle , Voice of America , ViVe and teleSUR .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Programación" - Ecuador TV

Web links