Noble seat in Straßfelden

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Commercial club house Linz, corner of Landstrasse / Bismarckstrasse
Entrance portal to the commercial club house

The noble seat in Straßfelden was originally a single farm outside Linz on the road to Ebelsberg (today Landstrasse 49, corner of Bismarckstrasse).


In 1579, Emperor Rudolf II made Straßfelden a noble seat. At that time it belonged to Dr. Martin Stopius; he came from Flanders and was promoted to landscape medicine in 1555. In 1586 the seat came to Hans Berchtold, in 1587 Hanns von Oedt owned it. A row of day laborer's houses was built around the Straßfelder Hof. In 1622 21 of these had already been built. In the 16th and 17th centuries the area from today's Kaufmännisches Vereinhaus to Volksgarten was called Straßfelden after the noble seat of the same name. From 1694 the area was no longer called Straßfelden, but "Neuhäusel".

In 1622 Hanns von Oedt sold his farm to the Linz town clerk Wolf Mayrhoffer; he ceded him to the city of Linz or he had bought the estate from the outset as a straw man for the city of Linz, which urgently needed the farm as an inn outside the city walls, because Count Herbersdorf had forbidden the city gates to be opened at night. The magistrate set up a courtyard there, which was intended for higher rulers and was therefore called "mansion". In 1731 the farm went into private ownership.

In 1898 the manor house was demolished and in its place the architect Hermann Krackowizer and master builder Ignaz Scheck and the Upper Austrian construction company built the new baroque commercial club house. This building was partially destroyed by bombs in 1945, in 1952 the two halls (Bismarckstrasse) were restored, and in 1958 the two front sides followed. In 1980, the plaster ashlar on the ground floor was simply restored. Only the arched portal flanked by double columns remained from the original design of the ground floor.


  • Norbert Grabherr : Castles and palaces in Upper Austria. A guide for castle hikers and friends of home. 3rd edition . Oberösterreichischer Landesverlag, Linz 1976, ISBN 3-85214-157-5 .
  • Hanns Kreczi: Linz, city on the Danube. Book publisher of the Democratic Printing and Publishing Society, Linz: undated

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Palais Kaufmännischer Verein, Herrenhaus, Straßfelden open space

Coordinates: 48 ° 17 ′ 58.1 ″  N , 14 ° 17 ′ 29 ″  E