Edeltrud Beer

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Edeltrud Beer , née Bistricky, (born September 10, 1927 in Brno ) is an Austrian paleontologist .

Beer received his doctorate in paleontology from the University of Vienna in 1953. phil. PhD. Among other things, she researched gastropods from the Young Tertiary . Until 1977 she worked as a micropalaeontologist in Turkey and South Africa. Later she worked in Vienna. She described several new fossil taxa.


  • The Miocene Buccinidae and Nassariidae of the Vienna Basin and Lower Austria . In: Mitteilungen der Geologische Gesellschaft 49, 1956, pp. 41–84 online (PDF; 2.9 MB) (= dissertation).


  • Helmuth Zapfe : Index Palaeontologicorum Austriae. Supplementum (= Catalogus fossilium Austriae issue 15a). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-7001-0948-2 , p. 152 online (PDF; 387 kB)