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EDMOND NRW ( E lectronic D istribution of educational m edia on D emand media centers NRW ) denotes an online media company in North Rhine-Westphalia , the general and vocational schools with digital media provided for educational purposes. The media are available via download and streaming. Educational films, modularized educational films, audio files, complete didactic DVDs prepared as webs and learning software including written accompanying material are offered. The EDMOND media service, which emerged from a pilot project of the federal-state commission carried out as a SEMIK model project , is supported by the media centers in North Rhine-Westphalia. Responsible the two are state media centers (LVR Center for media and formation and fiber optic media center for Westfalen ) extending in ownership of the two Landschaftsverbände are Rheinland and Westphalia lip. EDMOND gives schools the opportunity to enable pupils to learn with audio - visual media at their (PC) workstation in a variety of teaching scenarios. Working with films in particular is no longer tied to traditional classroom teaching .

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