Edwin Pukass

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Edwin Pukaß (born May 23, 1877 in Berlin , † after 1942 ) was a German civil servant. From 1922 to 1933, Pukaß was a senior official in the Reich Chancellery .

Life and activity

Pukass was the son of an accountant at the Prussian state railways. From 1896 to 1904 he worked as a civil supernumerary in the railroad management in Berlin. He then worked for the Reich Insurance Office for six years, until 1910, most recently as expeditionary secretary and calculator.

In 1910, Pukass was transferred to the Reich Office of the Interior . In 1914 he was promoted to the position of secret expeditionary secretary there. On April 13, 1915, he moved to the Reich Chancellery as an office clerk. On April 1, 1922, he was promoted to government councilor. Pukaß 'biographical entry in the online edition of the files of the Reich Chancellery suggests a continuous activity in the Reich Chancellery from 195 to 1933. The source edition of the files are the Chancellery of the Government Stresemann however, that he during the chancellor time of Gustav Stresemann , ie in In 1923, he joined the Reich Chancellery, where he was initially entrusted with dealing with the affairs of the Reich Ministry for Reconstruction and the Reich Economic Council in Department II. This suggests that at some point between 1915 and 1923, Pukass temporarily resigned from the service of the Reich Chancellery and returned to it in 1923. On the other hand, Max Stockhausen states in his memoirs that when Pukaß, Stockhausen, was transferred to the Reich Chancellery in 1921, he was already employed there as a personal advisor to Reich Chancellor Joseph Wirth , which suggests that he has either worked there without interruption since 1915 or - after temporary use elsewhere - returned to the authority not until 1923, but at the latest in 1921 and remained active there until March 31, 1933.

In the Reich Chancellery, Pukass was promoted to senior government councilor on October 1, 1927 and to ministerial councilor on November 1, 1932. According to the source editions for the cabinets of the 1920s and 1930s, Pukaß served one after the other to the Chancellors Cuno, Stresemann, Marx, Luther, Müller, Brüning, Papen and Schleicher before he was retired under the Nazis in 1933.

After 1933 Pukass worked in the private sector.


  • Peter Christian Witt: “Conservatism as 'non-partisan'. The officials of the Reich Chancellery between the Empire and the Weimar Republic 1900-1933 ”, in: Dirk Stegmann (Ed.): German Conservatism in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Festschrift for Fritz Fischer on his 75th birthday and on the 50th anniversary of his doctorate, Berlin 1983, p. 277f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Dietrich Erdmann (editor): The Stresemann I and II cabinets: October 6 to November 30, 1923 , Boppard am Rhein 1978, p. 1227.
  2. ^ Max Stockhausen: Six Years Reich Chancellery , 1954, p. 22.
  3. Dieter Rebentisch: Führer State and Administration in World War II: Constitutional Development and Administrative Policy 1939-1945 , 1989, p. 57.