Eesti Kirjandus

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All years (1906–1940)

Eesti Kirjandus (Eng. "Estonian Literature") was an Estonian cultural magazine.


The magazine was founded at the beginning of the 20th century when the Estonian cultural life was consolidating.

Jaan Jõgever

The first editor-in-chief was Jaan Jõgever , who was responsible for the magazine's content and finances for the first two years alone. Jõgever was from 1884 to 1889 Russian teacher at Hugo-Treffner-Gymnasium and from 1892 to 1903 was press censor in Tartu. From 1909 he was Estonian lecturer at the University of Tartu , from 1919 deputy professor of Estonian.

From 1908 the Eesti Kirjanduse Selts (Estonian Literature Society) , founded in 1907, acted as publisher, under whose aegis the magazine quickly gained in importance and volume in the following years. Since there were no comparable journals in Estonia or in Estonian, it initially dealt with much more than the title suggests: Estonian language, folklore, history and mythology were also covered. The linguistic component decreased after the purely linguistic journal Eesti Keel (Estonian language) was founded in 1922 .

With its extensive review section, the magazine gives a good insight into contemporary Estonian literature. The magazine was discontinued in 1940 after the occupation of Estonia by the Soviet Union and subsequent Sovietization . The same fate met the magazine Eesti Keel , after which there were briefly six issues of a magazine Eesti Keel ja Kirjandus (1941). After the Second World War and the de-Stalinization , intellectual circles in Estonia tried to revive the magazine, which only succeeded in 1958 and without the addition of "Estonian". The magazine Keel ja Kirjandus (Language and Literature) has been published since this year, and can be regarded as a successor to a limited extent.


Secondary literature

  • August Palm: Kuukirja “Eesti Kirjandus” asutamine ja algaastad, in: Eesti Kirjandus 5/1932, pp. 229–240.
  • Daniel Palgi: "Eesti Kirjanduse" 35-aastaselt teelt, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 3/1971, pp. 158–165.
  • Daniel Palgi, Johannes Voldemar Veski: "Eesti Kirjandust" toimetamas ", in: Centum . Tallinn: Valgus 1974, pp. 106–112.

Single receipts

  1. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, pp. 40–41, 350.
  2. August Palm: Kuukirja "Eesti Kirjandus" asutamine ja algaastad, in: Eesti Kirjandus 5/1932, pp. 229-240.