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The Rehabilitation Center Effingerhort in Holderbank , in the Swiss canton of Aargau , is a facility for women and men who have been heavily dependent on alcohol and medication for many years.


In 1911, Adelheid Pauline Juliette von Effinger founded the Effinger Foundation at the age of 74. As the last descendant of her gender, she wanted to use the legacy she would leave to set up an institution for the treatment of addicts for humanity. She knew about the concern about alcohol abuse at the time of industrialization and the resulting social changes. On June 21, 1914, the opening ceremony of the Effingerhorts took place on the Kernenberg in Holderbank.

As a result of prohibition in the USA , Switzerland also enacted a law against alcohol abuse in 1933 . This law included the submission of all distilled water to the alcohol legislation . In addition, the cantons were obliged to use ten percent of their respective share of the net profit generated to fight alcoholism. As a result, there was a certain financial security for institutions like the Effingerhort, which took on the treatment of addicts. Nevertheless, the lack of money as the main problem has been a constant companion of the foundation since its inception. Only six patients entered in the first year.

The initially close relationship with the Blue Cross deteriorated for the first time in 1947. The reason was the lack of financial support. Around six years later, however, the foundation seemed to be on the up. The Effingerhort had definitely established itself as a permanent institution. Due to the feeling of secure prosperity - the foundation's assets amounted to over 285,000 francs - land purchases were made in 1953 along with renovation work. In 1967, an article of the law was introduced that was supposed to provide financial support for Swiss organizations and thus transferred responsibility for the distribution of contributions to the Federal Alcohol Administration . From 1970 onwards, the cantons were obliged to use the portion of the net income received from the distilled water to combat drug and narcotic abuse. In the past few years, phenomena such as “ binge drinking ” or “ botellón ” have increased due to young people . With the National Alcohol Program 2008–2012, the Federal Council attempted to promote cooperation between the institutions, to involve the public, experts and politics more closely in an active dialogue and to sensitize people of all ages and social groups to the problem of alcohol abuse by means of prevention.

Due to the increasing number of addicts in the population, the Klinik im Hasel was founded in 1974. This facility in the community of Gontenschwil helps people with substance use disorders and also offers inpatient treatment. The associated outpatient clinic is located in Lenzburg , which, in contrast to inpatient treatment in the clinic, offers those affected the opportunity to spend the night at home. The Effingerhort dormitory and the Aarau integration center help patients to find their way back into everyday life and society successfully after the therapy by means of supervised residential communities.

Refurbishment and extension

The Effingerhort was completely renovated between 1996 and 2007. The constant change and the rapidly growing population prompt the foundation to once again expand or enlarge the clinic. The construction project has already been submitted and should create 16 new treatment places in addition to the 44 existing ones.

Foundation, endowment

The Board of Trustees currently consists of Werner Berner, President of the Board of Trustees Philipp Engel, Vice President and lawyer, and Rainer Klöti, Chairman of Strategy. The management is made up of Thomas Lüddeckens, head of the facilities Klinik im Hasel AG and the Lenzburg outpatient clinic, Dieter Theiler, head of dormitory and rehabilitation center Effingerhort AG, and Christian Roth, head of the integration center Aarau AG.

further services

The Effingerhort offers people jobs and daily structure in the following areas. The nursery with a range of rare varieties of vegetables, herbs, seedlings and various types of fruit and berries. The farm with Pro Specie Rara animal breeds (goats and sheep), free-range laying hens, a horse and a donkey, pigs and various cats and with the processing of firewood. The creative workshops and the studios with handmade products. The kitchen with attached catering and the preserving kitchen, in which in-house products are processed. The utility area with laundry and internal cleaning. The technical service with house maintenance and site maintenance. Various markets and courses and events take place throughout the year.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/680/a43a.html
  2. http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/680/a73.html

Coordinates: 47 ° 25 '56 "  N , 8 ° 10' 40"  E ; CH1903:  six hundred fifty-five thousand seven hundred sixty-seven  /  253739