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Lago de Egolzwil 068.jpg
Geographical location Canton lucerne
Places on the shore Egolzwil
Coordinates 642 473  /  226 101 coordinates: 47 ° 11 '4 "  N , 7 ° 59' 56"  O ; CH1903:  642,473  /  two hundred twenty-six thousand one hundred and one
Egolzwilersee (Canton of Lucerne)
Altitude above sea level f1496  m above sea level M.
surface 0.033 km²dep1
Maximum depth 8 m
Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / EVIDENCE AREA Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / EVIDENCE MAX DEPTH

The Egolzwilersee is a small lake west of the eponymous municipality Egolzwil in the Swiss canton of Lucerne .


The Egolzwilersee lies at 496  m above sea level. M. and has an area of ​​around 3.3 hectares. The lake has no outflow and is the remnant of what was once the great Wauwilersee , which was drained in 1853 and which today forms the Wauwilermoos . After the drainage, the remains of Stone Age settlements were discovered in Wauwilermoos while peat was being extracted .

Nature reserve

The Egolzwilersee is now privately owned and is largely surrounded by reeds and bushes. The lake has been under nature protection since 1969 because of its rare plants in the shore area .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Swisstopo: map viewer . Retrieved May 2, 2019.