Honorary Canon of St. John Lateran

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Honorary canon of St. John Lateran (Rome; French Chanoine d'honneur de St. Jean du Latran ) is an honorary title that has been given to the French kings since 1604, after Henry IV (France) converted from Navarre to Catholicism (25. July 1593: "Paris is worth a fair") and can be used today by the French President . As the first republican head of state, Charles de Gaulle solemnly accepted this dignity at the Pope's episcopal church ; his successors Valéry Giscard d'Estaing , Jacques Chirac , Nicolas Sarkozy (December 20, 2007) and Emmanuel Macron , all members of the Catholic Church, followed suit. Presidents Georges Pompidou , François Mitterrand and François Hollande did not make use of this honorary right.

Individual evidence

  1. Les présidents français au Vatican, une longue tradition. In: lefigaro.fr. June 25, 2018, accessed July 7, 2019 (French).