Badge of honor for exemplary neighborhood help

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Badge of honor for neighborhood help of the NF of the GDR

The badge of honor for exemplary neighborhood help was an award from the National Front of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), which was first awarded on October 2, 1973. The award was usually made for exemplary acts of neighborhood help in a residential area. The silver - colored, non - wearable medal with a diameter of 31 mm shows the symbol of neighborhood help on its obverse , two hands, the left hand handing a stylized rose to the right hand. With the medal, the recipient was presented with a 15 mm (portable) pin with the same appearance, as well as three special mints from GDR coins that were eligible for circulation with a face value of 50 marks . The latter was presented in a jewelry case.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frank Bartel (author), Jürgen Karpinski (photo): Awards of the German Democratic Republic. Military Publishing House of the GDR, Berlin 1979, DNB 790397633 , p. 191.