Federal Song Festival 1886

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The 18th Federal Singing Festival took place from July 10th to 12th, 1886 in St. Gallen . A total of 4500 singers took part in 96 clubs. The festival was organized by the oldest St. Gallen associations Frohsinn, Harmonie and Stadtsängerverein.

Former National Councilor Gustav Adolf Saxer acted as party president . The president of the jury was the Lucerne general music director Gustav Arnold , the festival director of the overall performance was the Vaudois conductor Heinrich Plumhof .

In the aftermath of the festival, a redesign of the singing festival was discussed, according to which a more differentiated division of the previous categories “folk song” and “art song”, an increase in the number of prizes and a restriction in the number of participants were required.


  • Robert Thomann: The Eidgenössische Singerverein 1842-1942. Zurich 1942, pp. 77-82.