Eila Pajastie

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Eila Pajastie (until 1942 Eila Paischeff ; * 1918 , † 1994 ) was a Finnish art critic.

Eila Paischeff was the daughter of the painter Alexander Paischeff (1894–1941) and his first wife, the textile artist Eva Anttila (1894–1993). She studied from 1936 to 1942 at the University of Helsinki and from 1946 to 1948 in London, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in art history. In the late 1940s she started working as an art critic for the Ilta-Sanomat newspaper . From 1953 to 1967 she was an art critic for Nya Pressen and also wrote in other magazines on art, architecture and ballet. In the early 1970s she gave up her career as an art critic and then worked as a translator for the Finnish National Museum .

Publications (selection)

  • Vuosi Lontoossa. Pakinoita yes esseitä. WSOY, Porvoo 1948, OCLC 58108232 .
  • Finnish rya carpets. Exhibition in the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne July 10 to August 21, 1958. Organized by the Museum of Decorative Arts of the City of Cologne. Breker, Cologne 1958, DNB 575942673 .
  • Laila Pullinen (XXXIIe exposition Biennale Internationale des Beaux-Arts, Venise - Finlande). [Biennale d'arte], [Venezia] 1964, OCLC 2643709 .


  • Liisa Lindgren: Eila Pajastie. Journalisti modernismin "kenttätyöläisenä". In: Ulla Vihanta, Hanna-Leena Paloposki (ed.): Kirjoituksia taiteesta. Suomalaista kuvataidekritiikkiä (= Kuvataiteen keskusarkisto. 4). Valtion taidemuseo / Kuvataiteen keskusarkisto, Helsinki 1997, ISBN 951-53-1247-7 , pp. 147-173.

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