Einar Maasik

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Einar Maasik (born December 30, 1929 in Narva , Estonia , † September 11, 2009 in Tsirgumäe , rural municipality Taheva , Estonia ) was an Estonian writer and cultural journalist.

life and work

Einar Maasik finished secondary school in Rakvere . He worked as a journalist from an early age. From 1951 to 1956 he studied logic and psychology at Tartu State University . He then worked for various newspapers and for the state book publisher Eesti Raamat . In 1970 he graduated from the CPSU Higher Party School in Leningrad .

Maasik excelled above all as a cultural journalist. He was employed in the editorial office of the Estonian literary magazine Looming . He also wrote numerous prose works. From 1973 he worked as a freelance author.

Maasik lived for a long time in the village of Rannaküla by Lake Võrtsjärv . In his literary work, he processed numerous pithy characters from village life. His humorous streak and use of popular language made him a popular writer. In 1985 Maasik received the renowned Friedebert Tuglas Prize for the story Et rääkisin puudega .

Works (selection)

Short prose collections

  • Koduküla teel (1959)
  • Teekaaslane (1960)
  • Seitsme küla teedel (1963)
  • Koorukeste suvi. Takjanupp ja viis kirjalehte (1966)
  • Oi elu, elukest ... (1968)
  • Legendi lõpp (1970)
  • Õhtud Rihmakülas (1974)
  • Üksinda detsembris (1977)
  • Maa Surrendered (1982)
  • Tere, Maria (1984)
  • Kolnteist ja veel üks (1979)
  • Ning majades, linnas, tänavatel ... (1987)
  • Ole mulle sõbraks (novel and two short stories, 1990)
  • Kunnese elu (posthumous, 2009)


  • Tuisu Taavi seitse päeva (1966; filmed in 1970 under the title Tuulevaikus )
  • August Anikatsi Katsumine (1969)
  • Hispaania tants. Jaanistite Kroonika I (1977)
  • Sünnipäevapidu. Jaanistite Kroonika II (1981)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti Elulood. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus 2000 (= Eesti Entsüklopeedia 14) ISBN 9985-70-064-3 , p. 270