One kayak
Single kayak (K1) (also kayak single ) is the most common boat class in canoeing . It is a kayak that is moved by a seated person with a double paddle .
The paddle is usually used alternately on the right and left side of the boat.
One can distinguish between two basic variants for control. The simplest is a kayak with a steering system. A rotatable rudder attached to the stern is connected to foot pedals and controlled by a cable.
Without a steering system, the boat can be steered by the type of paddle strokes. A change of direction to the right is supported by a strong paddle stroke on the left. There is only little force on the right. The effect can be improved by sticking the paddle exposed to the left into the water and thus increasing the lever. On the right side you can leave the paddle longer in the water after pulling it through, which comes close to being controlled with an oar. In the other direction you steer in the opposite direction. This variant is only suitable for relatively agile boats or for less pronounced changes of direction.
For boats with very good straight-line or greater changes of direction also comes edges are used. The effect of this technique can vary greatly depending on the shape of the hull. You shift your center of gravity more to one side of the boat. If you continue to paddle normally, the kayak changes its direction to the side facing away from tipping. With a right turn you tilt to the left and support the change of direction with a strong left blow. In a left turn you behave in the opposite way. The direction in which the boat is tilted also depends on the water conditions (smooth, calm water, position of the hull in relation to the current, larger waves). A spray deck is recommended for this technique so that no water runs into the boat.
It is used as a competitive discipline in canoe racing , canoe marathon , canoe slalom , white water racing and playboating . Also canoe polo is performed with special One seater.
The single kayak for women and men is an Olympic sport in canoe racing (500 and 1000 m (only men)) and in canoe slalom . In addition, world, European and national championships are held in this boat class in all of the disciplines mentioned.
Boat dimensions
The K1 in canoe racing and canoe marathon is max. 520 cm long and weighs at least 12 kg (racing) or 8 kg (marathon). The width of the boat has not been fixed since 2001 and has become increasingly narrow since then. Modern boats are often only about 30 cm narrow.
Boats from the time of a prescribed minimum width and thus still made of the material glass fiber / polyester recently had clearly protruding obtuse-angled, angular bulges on both sides behind the hatch above the waterline, apparently with the sole purpose of achieving this minimum width.
In the canoe slalom, too, the boat dimensions are standardized internationally by competition regulations. The single kayak must be at least 350 cm long and 60 cm wide and weigh 8 kg.