In tune

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The hymn book of the Catholic Diocese of Old Catholics in Germanyis called in tune . It is also used in the Old Catholic Church of Austria .

Attuned the Old Catholic communities in Germany has been developed by a diocesan committee after a survey and published in 2003 by the Catholic Diocese of Old Catholics in self-publishing. It replaced the hymn book Praise God, you Christians from 1986, which was smaller in size, more modest in design and disparate in terms of the score.

The new hymn book contains songs, songs, psalms, prayer texts and divine service regulations - a total of 950 numbers. In 2015 a second, revised and expanded edition came out, which now contains 999 numbers. As in the previous book, songs and psalms from the praise of God form the basis . They are complemented by songs from the older evangelical tradition as well as new spiritual songs and Taizé chants. Where available, the versions of the working group for ecumenical songsaccepted. Several texts and melodies come from newer Old Catholic authors. In contrast to the 1986 hymn book, some popular songs from the 19th century have also been revised.

Many of the newer melodies have chord symbols .


  • Catholic Diocese of Old Catholics in Germany (Ed.): In tune. Hymn book of the Catholic Diocese of Old Catholics in Germany . 2nd improved and enlarged edition. Alt-Katholischer Bistumsverlag, Bonn 2015, ISBN 978-3-934610-53-8 .