Enema soup

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Simple enema soup made from vegetable broth and egg

An inlet soup or egg soup fluff (in Austria and partly in southern Germany also Eintropfsuppe , in Salzburg and Styria also Farfelsuppe or Faverlsuppe ) is a classic dish of several national and regional cuisines.

The name refers to the egg enema. This is a flaky soup insert, for which an egg and flour mixture or just beaten eggs are slowly run into a simmering soup or broth . The egg denatures and forms flakes or threads, which can be designed differently depending on the recipe. In the case of flakes, one speaks of flocons d'œuf , in the case of threads of filaments d'œuf .

Typical variants of the enema soup are the Italian stracciatella and the Chinese sour and spicy soup .


  • Erhard Gorys: The new kitchen dictionary. Munich 2001, ISBN 978-3423362450
  • F. Jürgen Herrmann (Ed.): Herings Lexicon of the kitchen. Fachbuchverlag Pfanneberg, Haan-Gruiten 2012 (licensed edition Nikol, Hamburg 2016); P. 85. ISBN 978-3-86820-344-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. "egg soup fluff" In: The German cuisine. From the Alps to the North Sea. Lichems Verlagsanstalt, Munich 1987 (special edition Engel Verlag, Munich 1993); P. 11.
  2. Gregor Retti: Database on the German language in Austria , " Eintropfsuppe "
  3. ^ Gregor Retti: Database on the German language in Austria , " Farfelsuppe "
  4. ^ Gregor Retti: Database on the German language in Austria , " Faverlsuppe "
  5. a b "egg flakes, eggs threads" In: F. Jürgen Herrmann (Eds.): Herring Lexikon the kitchen. Fachbuchverlag Pfanneberg, Haan-Gruiten 2012 (licensed edition Nikol, Hamburg 2016); P. 85. ISBN 978-3-86820-344-8 .