Ekkehard Appl

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Ekkehard Martin Appl (born July 8, 1960 in Weilburg ) is a German lawyer and a judge at the Federal Court of Justice since 2002 . Since 2014 he has been deputy chairman of the 2nd criminal senate .

After completing his legal training and doctorate as well as a brief activity as a research assistant at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen , he joined the higher judicial service of the State of Hesse in September 1990 , where he worked for two and a half years as a trial reporter at the Limburg regional and district court . In March 1993, Appl was transferred to the Thuringian Ministry of Justice , where he initially worked at the Erfurt District Court. During this time he was appointed judge at the Limburg District Court. From December 1994 to February 1996 he was seconded to the Thuringian Higher Regional Court , during which he was appointed presiding judge at the Erfurt Regional Court in March 1995 . He held this office for one year after the end of the secondment, then from July 1997 to November 1999 he was seconded as a research assistant to the Federal Court of Justice and then from December 1999 to March 2001 another to the Thuringian Ministry of Justice. Appl then worked as chairman of the Erfurt Regional Court for another year and a half until he was appointed federal judge.

On December 2, 2002, Appl was appointed judge at the Federal Court of Justice and initially served the XI. Civil senate assigned; In addition, the tasks of investigating judge V were assigned to him. In 2006 Appl took over the duties of investigating judge VI and moved to the 2nd criminal senate . His activity as an investigative judge ended in 2008; Appl is still a member of the 2nd Criminal Senate. He has been its deputy chairman since 2014.


  • Appl, Ekkehard: The sharpening of penalties for secondary offenses set according to Sections 154, 154a of the Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO ) and parts of offenses that have been eliminated in the course of sentencing . Dissertation, Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1987, ISBN 3-8204-1097-X
  • Meyer-Goßner, Lutz; Appl, Ekkehard: The judgments in criminal matters as well as resolutions and minutes of the main hearing . 28th edition, Verlag Vahlen, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8006-3547-4

Individual evidence

  1. University of Frankfurt - Symposium on May 16 and 17, 2013 - Program (accessed on May 23, 2013; PDF; 522 kB)
  2. ^ Handbook of Justice 2002
  3. ^ Catalog of the German National Library - Ekkehard Appl
  4. a b Federal Court of Justice - Division of responsibilities 2014 ( Memento from February 20, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on May 20, 2015; PDF, 259 kB)
  5. a b BGH press release No. 126/2002 of December 3, 2002
  6. Federal Court of Justice - business distribution 2004  ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) (accessed on May 22, 2013)@1@ 2Submission: Dead Link / www.bundesgerichtshof.de
  7. Federal Court of Justice - Division of business 2006 ( Memento from November 12, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on May 22, 2013)
  8. See the BGH's annual business distribution plan, available at www.bundesgerichtshof.de