Ekrem Tok

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Ekrem Tok (* 1892 in Samsun ; † April 1, 1975 ) was a Turkish State Secretary in the Ministry of Health and between 1962 and 1965 the sixteenth Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Turkey .


Tok attended primary and middle school in Samsun and high school in Izmir before graduating from Istanbul Medical School in 1914. He then worked for the Turkish Red Crescent and later as a medical officer in Trabzon. From 1923 to 1924 he specialized in parasitology in France. After this time he took on tasks such as the management of the bacteriological office in Ankara, the post of chief physician in the hospital in Balıkesir, chief of malaria control in Istanbul, the supervision of the nationwide malaria control, in 1935 the general directorate of the social department of the Ministry of Health and in 1946 the post of State Secretary of the Ministry of Health .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ahmet Akkan: Büyük Üstadlar (German: The Grand Masters ). Editor HKMBL, Mimar Sinan Yayınları, No: 21, (Turkish)