Elektro-L 2

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Elektro-L 2
Type: Weather satellite
Country: RussiaRussia Russia
Operator: RoscosmosRoscosmos Roscosmos
COSPAR-ID : 2015-074A
Mission dates
Dimensions: 1855 kg (including 264 kg fuel)
Begin: December 11, 2015, 1:45 p.m.  UTC
Starting place: Baikonur
Launcher: Zenit-3SLBF
Status: active
Orbit data
Track height: 36,000 km
Orbit inclination : 0 °

Elektro-L 2 ( Russian ЭЛЕКТРО-Л №2 ) is the second example of the geostationary weather satellite constellation Elektro of the Russian space agency Roskosmos . Together with the other new satellites of the Elektro-L type and the Meteor-M , which was launched in 2009, it is responsible for weather monitoring for Russia. Compared to Elektro-L 1 , the satellite has been improved, because some problems (for example failure of one of the four gyroscopes immediately after the start) did not achieve its full performance.


Elektro-L 2 was put into geostationary orbit on December 11, 2015 at 1:45 p.m. UTC with a Zenit-3SLBF from Baikonur . The satellite was separated from the Fregat-SB upper stage 57 minutes after take-off. The start was planned for the beginning of 2015, but the political conflicts between Russia and Ukraine delayed the start.

The satellite is designed to operate for at least 10 years.


According to the original plans, Elektro-L 2 was to be stationed in geostationary orbit 14.5 west over the Atlantic. However, Roskosmos faced the challenge of installing enough ground antennas to track and control the satellite in Russian territory. When the Elektro-L 1, originally stationed over the Indian Ocean, ran into problems, the decision was made to send the second spaceship to the similarly convenient location at 77.8 degrees east where it is currently located.

Structure and instrumentation

See electrical (weather satellites) #technology .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Elektro-L2 weather satellite. russianspaceweb.com; accessed on December 24, 2015
  2. Elektro-L | Spacecraft & Satellites spaceflight101.com; accessed on December 24, 2015