Elementary matting

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As a basic guide Matt the very last phase is chess endgames called when a player no longer has sufficient material to the desired mating attack the enemy to oppose more decisive resistance. If there are no more pawns left on the board for a conversion , then the material advantage cannot be increased against the only king (without further pieces). In this case, the mastery of elementary mating leads becomes more important.

It is by no means taken for granted that material superiority leads to mate . A single minor figure is not enough to checkmate. Also, two knights against the king (without pawns or pieces) cannot force mate - although technically possible. The following elementary matting tours are essential:

  • Checkmate with a queen is possible within 9 moves.
  • Checkmate with two rooks
  • Checkmate with a rook is possible within 16 moves.
  • Checking mate with two bishops (bishops on standing spaces of different colors), this is possible within 19 moves.
  • Checking mate with bishop and knight is possible within 33 moves.

In very rare cases it comes after the conversion of a pawn into a knight

  • Checkmating with three knights is possible within 21 moves.

Positions with higher material superiority can be traced back to the cases given here and are generally much easier to win.

For a checkmate by the king in the middle of the board, nine fields must be controlled by pieces. The available material no longer allows this in elementary matt guides . Matters can only be set at the edge. The first partial plan in every mate lead consists in pushing the king to the edge. With two minor pieces, the mate can only be forced in a corner or next to a corner field.

Checkmate with a lady

  a b c d e f G H  
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  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 1: Mate with queen - starting position

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg 8th
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2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
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  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 2: The only position except for symmetries in which White needs 10 moves to move to checkmate. Black to move can therefore delay mate the longest with 1.… Kd3 – c4.

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

In an endgame with king and queen against king, you can safely apply the rules of mating with the rook if you are careful not to mess up . Furthermore, there is also the possibility of always staying at a knight distance with the queen, or the optimal method of the chess programs . This consists in bringing the opposing king to your own king and thus mating in the fastest possible way. Using the first example (diagram 1) one can consider all three possibilities. The first two may not be the fastest mate guides, but they are easy to learn.

  • Method 1 (as with the rook): 1. Qb3 Ke4 2. Kb2 Kd4 3. Kc2 Ke4 4. Kd2 Kd4 5. Qb4 + Ke5 6. Ke3 Kd5 7. Qb5 + Ke6 8. Ke4 Kd6 9. Qb6 + Ke7 10. Ke5 Kf7 11 . Qh6 Kg8 12. Kf5 Kf7 13. Qh7 + Ke8 14. Ke6 Kd8 15. Qd7 #. Here the hasty 12th Kf6 or 12th Ke6 would have failed.
  • Method 2 (Queen in knight distance ): 1. Qb3 Ke4 2. Qc3 Kf4 3. Qd3 Kg4 4. De3 Kf5 5. Qd4 Kg5 6. De4 Kf6 7. Qd5 Kg6 8. De5 Kf7 9. Qd6 Kg7 10. De6 Kh7 11. Qf6 Kg8 12. De7 Kh8 13. Kb2 Kg8 14. Kc3 Kh8 15. Kd4 Kg8 16. Ke5 Kh8 17.Kf6 Kg8 18.Qg7 # 13.Qf7 would have failed here.
  • Method 3 (computer method): 1. Qf5! Kc3 2nd De4 Kb3 3rd Qd4 Ka3 4th Kb1 Kb3 5th Kc1 Ka3 6th Kc2 Ka2 7th Qb2 #

Checkmate with two rooks

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
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5 Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
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  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 1: Mate with two rooks - starting position

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
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2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 2: Mate with two rooks - final position

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

When mating with two rooks, the opposing king is pushed to the edge of the playing field by alternating chess bids from one rook, while the other rook prevents the king from dodging into the middle of the board. The process is called stair matting because the towers move like feet when climbing stairs. One of the two towers threatens the king as a hunter , while the other as a guard covers the escape fields. This goes on until the king is marginalized and checkmate. Should the king come too close to a tower and threaten it so that he could defeat it on the next move, the stairwell should be changed. If both towers act on the same side, they move one after the other to the other side, the threatened one first, otherwise it will be defeated.

The following example illustrates the mating lead.

Diagram 1: 1. Re8 + - Kf3
2. Rf1 + - Kg2 ( The king attacks the rook that holds him in check. If the rook is not to be lost, a move must be made that brings the rook to safety. )
3. Rf7 -… ( Rf-f8 does not bring anything because the rooks then block each other on the eighth row. Re-f8 covers the attacked rook, but does not offer any real solution to the problem. ) … - Kg3
4. Rg8 + - Kh4
5. Rh7 mate diagram 2

It should be noted that the continued chess laws do not result in a draw through eternal chess .

The process of alternating check-bidding when mating with queen and rook is even simpler: the queen stands on the last, the rook she has covered on the penultimate line or row, and both offer the king alternately check until he does not have the check-bids on the edge can dodge more.

Checkmate with a rook

If there are only the two kings and a single rook on the board, then the party with the rook inevitably wins after 16 moves at the latest if the game is correct.

With this elementary procedure, the rook and king must first push the opposing king to the edge of the board. The motif of opposition , in which both kings face each other, plays a decisive role. Then the king is checkmated either in the corner or in opposition.

The following example is from Juri Awerbach ( Textbook of Chess Endgames , Volume 1, p. 12).

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
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5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess klt45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

White to move

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
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2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Mate position

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

The black king should first be pushed to the right edge of the board:
1. Kb2 Kd4 2. Kc2 Ke4 3. Kc3 Ke5 4. Kc4 Ke4 Opposition, the king is pushed to the f-file.
5. Re1 + Kf5 6. Kd4 Kf4 Opposition, the king is pushed to the g-file.
7. Rf1 + Kg5 8. Ke4 Kg6 9. Ke5 Kg5 Opposition, the king is pushed to the h-file.
10. Rg1 + Kh4 11. Kf5 Kh3 (if 11.… Kh5 12. Th1
mate )
12. Kf4 Kh2 13. Rg3 Kh1 14. Kf3 Kh2 15. Kf2 Kh1 16. Th3 mate

Checkmate with two bishops

The matte images

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
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2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 1: A typical mate on a corner field

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
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2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 2: A mate on an edge square

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

A mate with two bishops is basically only possible on an edge field; it can be forced on a corner field or a field next to a corner field. Diagram 1 shows a possible mate position after Bb7 #, the white king and the black-squared bishop cover the escape squares a7 and b8. The second diagram shows another possible matte image on the edge of the board.

The bell

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
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  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 3: starting position

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg 8th
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5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 4: The bell

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
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2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 5: At the edge

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess blt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
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4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 6: In the corner

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

The naming of the following mating method with two runners is explained by the interaction of the two runners. They restrict the king's ability to move in such a way as if a bell had been visually placed over him (see diagram 4 ). The following example details this method, which may not be the fastest, but it is an easy one.

White's natural endeavor is to first restrict Black's freedom of movement and then to control the whole board.

1. Bf1 – g2 + Kd5 – e5 2. Lc1 – b2 + Ke5 – e6 3. Bg2 – e4 Ke6 – d6 4. Bb2 – d4 Kd6 – e6
The position in diagram 4 has now been created. Pay special attention to how the runners work together nicely. The bishops are now in an optimal position and the king must intervene.
5. Ke1 – e2 Ke6 – d6 6. Ke2 – e3 Kd6 – e7 7. Ke3 – f4 Ke7 – e6 8. Kf4 – g5 Zugzwang 8.… Ke6 – d6 9. Kg5 – f5 Kd6 – d7
The black king had the 6 Leave row and is now quickly pushed to the edge.
10. Bd4 – e5 Kd7 – e7 11. Be4 – d5 Ke7 – d7 12. Kf5 – f6 Kd7 – c8
You still have to be careful! 13. Ke7 is just a stalemate .
13. Be5 – d6 Kc8 – d7 14. Kf6 – e5 Kd7 – e8 15. Ke5 – e6 Ke8 – d8 16. Bd5 – c6 Kd8 – c8
Now that the king is on the edge, you just have to push him into the corner and checkmate. See diagram 5.
17. Bd6 – c5 Kc8 – c7 18. Ke6 – d5 Kc7 – d8 19. Kd5 – d6 Kd8 – c8 20. Bc5 – b6 Kc8 – b8 21. Bc6 – b5 Kb8 – b7 22. Kd6 – c5 Kb7 –C8 23. Kc5 – c6 Kc8 – b8 24. Bb5 – a6 Kb8 – a8
Finally the king is on a corner
square and mate can now be forced fairly quickly. The rule to be observed is that the white king must stand at a knight distance from the corner square, in this case on c7 or b6. 25. Kc7 would be stalemate! See diagram 6.
25. Bb6 – c5 Ka8 – b8 26. Kc6 – b6 Kb8 – a8 27. Ba6 – b7 + Ka8 – b8 28. Bc5 – d6 mate .
Now it has been reached, the position from Diagram 2 is on the board, Black is mate!

Diagonal locking

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess xxt45.svg Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess xxt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 7: locking bar

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

The seventh diagram shows another initial idea to push the opposing king into a corner. The two bishops are positioned on two diagonals next to each other and thus divide the board in two halves; the black king cannot cross the marked locking bar. The king of the bishop's party is brought closer to driving his opponent from the diagonal b1 – h7, after which Lc4 – d3 reduces the virtual triangle in which the black can move. This procedure continues until the black king is in a corner.

Checkmate with bishop and knight

The matte images

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess nlt45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 1: A mate picture with the knight and bishop in the right corner

Template: chessboard-small / maintenance / old

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess nlt45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Diagram 2: A mate picture with a knight and a bishop next to the correct corner

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

The mating lead with bishop and knight is difficult, although one problem is to bring down the opposing king within the 50- move rule . (For example, in 2013 the then world champion Anna Uschenina missed the mate with bishop and jumper against Olga Girja .) In unfavorable starting situations, the mate cannot be forced under 30 moves in the best game. 30–35 moves are stated in the literature.

As in all finals with a single bishop, there is also the so-called right corner . This is a corner that the runner can attack. A mate can only be enforced in the corner of the runner's color. Diagram 1 shows mate in the right corner. The second diagram shows a mate next to the correct corner.

The way from the wrong to the right corner

With the king in close opposition, the opposing king can control three frontal squares, the two minor pieces have to deprive him of the lateral evasions. The king is marginalized, a task that is not easy for inexperienced players. The single king has the opportunity to go to the wrong corner (this is the right corner for his goal).

There is a process of using the bishop and knight to drive the king from the wrong corner into the right corner in order to force a mate there. This procedure is called the W maneuver because the jumper makes zigzag moves that look similar to the letter W.

Diagram 1
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

Diagram 2
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

1. Nb3 + Kc6 2. Bf7 Kd6 3. Kb5 Ke7 4. Bc4 Kd6 5. Nd2 Ke5 6. Kc5 Kf4 7. Kd6 Kf5 8. Bd3 + Kf6 The king flees to the black corner 9. Nf3 Kf7 10. Ke5! Kg7 (10.… Ke7 11. Bc4 Kd7 12. Nd4 Kc7 13. Ke6 Kb6 14. Nb3 and the king is held in the white corner) 11. Ng5 Kg8 12. Kf6 Kf8 13. Nf7 Kg8 14. Bf5 Kf8

The king has been driven into the corner and can now be systematically pushed to the white corner square a8. From here on, mate will take a maximum of 18 moves. Note the jumper's W maneuver. 15. Bh7 Ke8 16. Ne5 Kd8 17. Ke6 (also 17. Be4 Kc7 18.Nc4 leads to the goal) Kc7 18. Nd7 Kb7 (18.… Kc6 19. Bd3!) 19. Bd3 Kc6 20. Ba6 Kc7 21. Bb5 Kd8 22. Kd6 Ke8 23.Bc4 Kd8 24.Bf7 Kc8 25.Nc5 Kd8 26.Nb7 + Kc8 27.Kc6 Kb8 28.Kb6 Kc8 29.Be6 + Kb8 30.Bd7 Ka8 31.Nc5 Kb8 32.Na6 + Ka8 33. Be4 #

Checkmate with three knights

Diagram 1
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

White on move: mate in three moves

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

Diagram 2
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  

Mate picture with three knights after 3.Nc3 – b5 #

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

This endgame is of little practical importance, because it can only arise in exceptional cases if a sub-transformation into a knight took place. Three knights not only win against a king, but also (with a few exceptions) against a king and a knight.

In Diagram 1 , with the first move 1. Nd3 – c5, the white player takes the a6 escape square from the black king. After the forced 1.… Ka7 – a8 follows 2. Nc4 – b6 + Ka8 – a7 3. Nc3 – b5 mate (see diagram 2 ).

Checkmate with two knights

Diagram 1
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  
1. Nc6 +

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

Diagram 2
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  
correct 1.… Kc8!

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

Diagram 3
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
7th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 7th
6th Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  
wrong 1.… Ka8? 2.Nc7 #

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

The mate with two knights is technically possible, but only possible if the single king makes a mistake. The king may not voluntarily go into the corner at the knight's check, otherwise he will be mated (diagrams 1–3).

Things are different if there is another pawn on the board .


  • Thomas Ströhlein: Investigations into combinatorial games , dissertation, Munich 1970
  • Juri Awerbach Textbook of Chess Endgames , Volume 1, authorized translation from Russian by Hermann Mohaupt, Sportverlag Berlin 1972

Individual evidence

  1. Women's Grand Prix: Anna Ushenina Failed to Mate with the Bishop and Knight Against the Lone King , chess-news from May 6, 2013.