Ivory paper

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Ivory paper is a place of Elenbeintafeln to Miniaturmalerei suitable image carrier .

Ivory paper consists of several layers connected with hide glue . At the bottom a textile fabric with parchment remnants used for straining when cooking glue . This is followed by several layers of drawing paper. The surface, the painting ground, is made up of a glue coat of plaster of paris as filler and zinc white as the most important pigment . Dried and finely sanded, the material was used in the early 18th century as so-called ivory paper for sketching and for written notes. Because lines drawn with pencil were easy to erase. The manufacturing process was tested and developed for the first time by GS Einsle, about whose biography little is known. His innovation and its production method found multiple expression in contemporary print products . Especially after several experienced members of the London Royal Society of Arts in 1820 advocated a reward of 30 guineas. Samples of the approximately 3 mm thick panels were deposited in the Society's repository.


Abend-Zeitung, 202, Aug. 24, 1820; Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal, Vol. 1 (1820), Chap. 47, p. 473; Heinichen, KW (1839) Hand a. House book of non-profit knowledge for all stands ..., vol. 1, p. 68