Glue paint

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Glue paints are paints that use glue as a binder and water as a solvent . Limestone powder , lithopone or chalk are used as white pigment and filler ; other colored pigments can be added. It is therefore sometimes referred to as a glue-modified lime paint , which is only partially true. In German-speaking Switzerland it is also called "Blancfixe".

Properties, use

Glue paints can be supplied as a powder and must then be mixed with water before use. But there are also turned on materials.

Since the glue remains water-soluble even after drying , the coating is sensitive to moisture . In other words, it is unsuitable for outdoor use, but glue paint is highly recommended in rooms such as the kitchen, bathroom or basement, since the chalk and glue become saturated with water vapor and release it again in due course. This creates a balanced humidity climate, molds and the like do not find any breeding ground. Due to its reversibility, the glue paint can only be coated again with glue paint, but not with other types of paint (e.g. emulsion and silicate paint); also on paper is rather risky. As part of such a renovation , glue paint must therefore be washed off the wall with warm water before the new, modern wall painting.

Glue paints are also used in artistic painting .

Advantages and disadvantages

In the construction and do-it-yourself sector , glue paints are considered obsolete and have long been replaced by emulsion paints , silicone resin paints (also “living room paints”) or (organo-) silicate paints (mineral paints, water-glass paints). In recent times, however, painters have repeatedly drawn attention to their excellent renovation properties and special qualities: glue paint coats can be coated almost indefinitely with glue paint without blocking the wall or affecting the room climate. For the authentic restoration of an interior from the 19th century (Biedermeier, Wilhelminian style), glue paint is the first choice, with its own aesthetic charms: The paint has very good opacity and luminosity, and yet at the same time - thanks to the integration of the color pigments in the glue - a very subtle, tempered and tempered character.

Glue paints are produced without synthetic resins and can therefore be considered particularly environmentally and health- friendly, and they are usually quite inexpensive.

Prepared, ready-to-sell materials can contain small amounts of synthetic resins, mostly polymer resins (dispersion binders ) for easier application. These affect the reversibility. The result is a more laborious removal of the glue paint to be renovated.


  • Kurt Schönburg with the collaboration of Gertrud Müller: Natural substances in buildings. Properties, application, design . Ed .: DIN German Institute for Standardization eV (=  Beuth Praxis ). 1st edition. Beuth Verlag, Berlin / Vienna / Zurich 2010, ISBN 978-3-410-17355-7 (ISBN for e-book version: 978-3-410-17500-1).