Eliezer ben Jose ha-Gelili

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Eliezer ben Jose ha-Gelili ( Eliezer - sometimes also Eleazar ben Jose , Rabbi Eliezer ben R. Jose ha-Gelili ), son of Jose the Galilean , was Tannaite of the 4th (after some of the 3rd) generation (generation after Bar Kochba ; ie Eliezer lived and worked in the 2nd century AD).


He was a student of Rabbi Akiba , involved in the rebuilding of the Sanhedrin after the end of the Hadrianic religious persecution and was praised above all for his aggadic work ("Everywhere you hear the words of Eliezer in the Haggadah, bow your ear, like a funnel" , bab. Chullin 89 a).

Many of his sayings are devoted to the immortality of the Jewish people and were a great comfort to his fellow Jews after the difficult time of oppression.

The 32 middot

The 32 middot (rules of interpretation) of R. Eliezer are named after him:

  1. ribbui: increase, containment
  2. mi'ut: restriction, exclusion, reduction
  3. ribbui achar ribbui: enclosure after enclosure
  4. mi'ut achar mi'ut: connection of two limiting or excluding particles
  5. qal wa-chomer meforasch: No more easy to harder and vice versa
  6. qal wa-chomer satum: implied ending corresponds to 5)
  7. gezera schawa (= Hillel 2)
  8. binjan from (= Hillel 3)
  9. derekh qetsara: abbreviated / elliptical expression
  10. Repetition
  11. separately occurring items that belong together
  12. what is used for comparison is also interpreted new or differently through the comparison itself
  13. the second becomes specific to the aforementioned general
  14. Comparison of more important with less (no application within the Halacha)
  15. A third scripture verse decides a contradiction between two preceding, contradicting scriptures (= Ishmael 13)
  16. Particularity of an expression at precisely this point = special meaning
  17. Explanation, clarification given outside the main office
  18. Special still means the general
  19. special statement does not only apply to the special
  20. A statement about something is related to something else, where it fits better
  21. one-sided comparison, exclusion of the bad
  22. passive addition of meaning through the context
  23. active addition of meaning through the context (no halachic application)
  24. something special that is already contained in general is named in order to then qualify the general
  25. something special that is already contained in general is named in order to then qualify it
  26. maschal: parable; allegorical interpretation
  27. Corresponding meanings of the same numbers
  28. Conclusions from homonymous roots
  29. Gematria (interpretations from the numerical value of the letters; example: ha-satan = 364, on 364 days Satan has power over the Israelites, except on the Day of Atonement) and Atbash (special secret alphabet)
  30. Notarikon ("notarius", quick writer); Breakdown of words, sometimes each letter is the first letter of another word; Notarikon is also an abbreviated form of expression (positively worded sentence includes negative equivalent); Notaricon as a rule of interpretation not generally recognized, not used in the Halacha
  31. The temporal preceding in the text is followed by a special interpretation (miqra mesuras, wrong position in the written word)
  32. The sequence of the Bible passages does not correspond to the sequence of time periods, interpretations from this; also called erub paraschijot (mixing of sections); the school of Ishmael: "In the Torah there is no before and after [with regard to the sequence of biblical statements]"

Literature (selection)