Elisa Huezo Paredes

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Elisa Huezo Paredes (born June 24, 1913 in Santa Tecla , † December 1, 1995 in San Salvador ) was a Salvadoran writer and painter.


Huezo studied painting from 1943 to 1948 at the Academia de Pintura of Valero Lecha . With the painting Eva she won the Primer Permio de Pintura in 1948 , she received further awards from El Ateneo and the Unión General de Autores y Artistas of El Salvador.

She has worked for the Diario de Hoy , the Prensa Grafica , the Diario Latino , the Tribuna Libre and the Revista Cultura of the Ministry of Education and worked as a visual artist with the poet Raúl Contreras . In 1978 her volume of poetry Voces sin tiempo was published with a foreword by David Escobar Galindo .

Other poems were in anthologies published as Panorama de la Literatura Salvadoreña of Luis Gallegos Valdés , Índice Antológico de la Poesía Salvadoreña by David Escobar Galindo Poesía Femenina de El Salvador (published by the Ministry of Education), Muestra de Poesía Hispano Americana del Siglo XX of José Antonio Escalona , Mujeres en la Literatura Salvadoreña and Cien Escritores Salvadoreños by Roxana Beatriz López Serrano . In 1984 the Universidad Popular of Guatemala awarded her the Medallón de Oro "Miguel Ángel Asturias" . Huezo was married to the Guatemalan writer and politician Alfonso Orantes .
