Elisabeth Mittell

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Elisabeth Mittell , also Wallenberg , née Charlotte Caroline Elisabeth Wollenberg ( January 19, 1835 in Berlin - August 12, 1909 in Hamburg ) was a stage actress .


Mittell family grave ,
Ohlsdorf cemetery, Hamburg

Not much is known about Mittell's life. As an actress in Wallenberg , she was a popular member of the Wallner Theater in Berlin from 1854 to 1864 and later employed at the city theaters in Hamburg and Bremen.

She was married to Karl Josef Mittell in his second marriage and outlived her husband (1824-1889).

Elisabeth Mittel was buried in Hamburg at the Ohlsdorf cemetery in the area of ​​the Mittell family grave, grid square AF 30 ( north ring at Chapel 6).


See also

supporting documents

  1. Hamburg registry office 21: death register . No. 688/1909.