Emilis Pileckis

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Emilis Pileckis (born June 27, 1990 in Vilnius ) is a Lithuanian chess player .


Pileckis studied at the Mstislavas Dobužinskis Middle School in Vilnius. In 2009 he graduated from the “Fizikos Olimpas” physics school with a bronze certificate and took part in the International Physics Olympiad in Mexico . From 2009 to 2013 he completed his bachelor’s degree and from 2013 to 2015 his master’s degree in physics at Vilnius University . For several years he worked at the “Fizikos Olimpas” school.

In 2009 Pileckis was named International Master . He has also achieved all the required norms for the title of Grandmaster , since he has not yet reached the required Elo rating , he cannot accept the title yet. His highest rating was 2472 in October 2008. Like Salvijus Berčys , he is trained by FIDE master Rišardas Fichmanas.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Emilis Pileckis (Chess-db.com)
  2. Mokinių pasiekimai - Mokytojo Pergalė "Penkių kontinentų" atstovų viešnagė M. Dobužinskio mokykloje ( Memento of 23 November 2015, Internet Archive )
  3. 2010 m. sausio 6 d. prezidentė Dalia Grybauskaitė pasveikino 2009 m. tarptautinių olimpiadų prizinių vietų laimėtojus
  4. Fizikos Olimpas namų darbai