Emma Stöhr

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Emma Stöhr (* 1871 in Graz ; † 1958 there ) was an Austrian painter .


Stöhr received her artistic training from 1889 at the drawing academy in Graz as a student of Hermann von Königsbrunn . Further studies followed: with Ernestine von Kirchsberg (Graz), Peter Paul Müller (Munich) and Olga Wisinger-Florian (Etsdorf near Vienna).

From 1894 Emma Stöhr also worked as a private teacher for drawing and painting. Own exhibition activity is documented from 1900. Her preferred subjects were landscapes and still lifes, especially flower arrangements.

The works that are still in circulation on the art market are mainly still lifes with flowers in Stöhr's typical style with a high recognition value.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Artist archive in the Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
  2. a b c Science and Art in the German Ostmark. Publishers for national literature, Vienna / Graz / Leipzig 1938 ( online in Gateway Bavaria ).
  3. Emma Stöhr on aufartendung. Retrieved February 27, 2019.
  4. Emma Stöhr in the Blouin Art Sales Index. Retrieved February 27, 2019.