Emmanuel Chidi

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Emmanuel Chidi Namdi (* 1980 in Nigeria ; † July 6, 2016 in Fermo , Italy) was a refugee from Nigeria who was the victim of a racially motivated attack in July 2016. He was killed by a hooligan in the street .

Chidi fled Nigeria with his pregnant partner Chinyery after they both lost their parents and a daughter in an attack by the Boko Haram militias. They took the route across the Mediterranean from Libya and reached Fermo via Palermo , where they had lived since December 2015. Shortly after the crossing, Chinyery suffered a miscarriage. On January 6th, the couple married in Fermo in the church of San Marco alle Paludi . You were last housed in a Caritas home near the archbishop's seminary . In Fermo, Catholic clergy in particular help asylum seekers. Before the act, explosives were found in front of four churches.

Sequence of events

Chidi and his wife took a walk on Via XX Settembre on July 5, 2016, not far from the Archbishop's seminary. There, fans of the local soccer team approached the couple and began to riot. Two young men insulted Chinyery, called her an "African monkey" and started tugging at her. When Namdi stood in front of his wife and defended her, one of the men hit him and hit him in the head. When he was lying unconscious on the ground, the attackers reportedly continued to beat and kick him. The details of the incident are still being determined (as of July 7, 2016). Chidi suffered cerebral haemorrhage and fell into a coma . He did not regain consciousness and died of his injuries in hospital on July 6, 2016. Chinyery Namdi was also beaten and suffered minor injuries.

A suspect was arrested the day after Namdi's death on orders from the prosecutor. The Tagesschau (ARD) reported that the alleged perpetrator was "a right-wing extremist from the hooligan environment who had previously been noticed by acts of violence". The charge is manslaughter, the aggravating circumstance is the racist motivation.


Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and other politicians condemned the act. "This is a day of deep mourning. ... Italy is not represented by [name of the alleged perpetrator]," said Italy's Interior Minister Angelino Alfano after the fact. He promised Chinyery Namdi safe refugee status.

The award of the first short film award Multicultura Omnibus by the Associazione Omnibus Omnes was dedicated to Emmanuel Chidi Namdi in summer 2016.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Jan-Christoph Kitzler: Racist attack in Italy. Hooligan kills refugee from Nigeria , tagesschau.de, July 7, 2016
  2. Fermo, difende la compagna since insulti razzisti. Nigeriano picchiato a morte da ultrà locale , La Republica. July 6, 2016, accessed July 7, 2016 .
  3. Ashitha Nagesh for Metro.co.uk: Man who fled Boko Haram killed for defending wife against racism. In: Metro. July 8, 2016, accessed July 8, 2016 .
  4. ^ Italian Held in Slaying of Nigerian Who Fled Boko Haram , The New York Times, July 7, 2016
  5. a b Xenophobia in Italy: Nigerians beaten to death on the street , Spiegel Online, July 7, 2016
  6. ^ Refugee: Nigerians beaten to death in Italy . In: The time . July 7, 2016, ISSN  0044-2070 ( zeit.de [accessed July 7, 2016]).
  7. a b The Huffington Post Charlotte Alfred World Reporter: Nigerian Man Who Fled Boko Haram Beaten To Death In Italy Defending His Wife. In: The Huffington Post. July 7, 2016, accessed July 8, 2016 .
  8. ^ Il premio “Multicultura” intitolato a Emmanuel Chidi Namdi. LaNuovaRiviera, July 8, 2016, accessed July 9, 2016 .