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General information about the mine
Mining technology Longwall mining
Information about the mining company
Operating company Gitterseer Steinkohlenbauverein
Start of operation 1831
End of operation 1858
Funded raw materials
Degradation of Hard coal
Mightiness 2.70 m
Greatest depth 202 m
Geographical location
Coordinates 51 ° 0 '50.2 "  N , 13 ° 41' 6.9"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 0 '50.2 "  N , 13 ° 41' 6.9"  E
Emmaschacht (Saxony)
Location Emmaschacht
Location Grid lake
local community Dresden
State capital ( NUTS3 ) Dresden
country Free State of Saxony
Country Germany

Map of the pits (equidistant map, 1904)

The Emmaschacht was a coal mine of the Gitterseer Steinkohlenbauverein . The shaft was in the northern part of the hard coal deposit of the Döhlen basin on the Gitterseer corridor.


In 1831, the shaft began to be sunk . The owner was Carl Christian Gottlieb Graf von Bressler. The shaft was named after Bressler's daughter-in-law, Anna Henriette Emma, ​​Countess von Reichenbach - Goschütz. From 1836 the shaft belonged to the Gitterseer Steinkohlenbauverein founded in the same year. A steam engine supplied by the Graeflich Einsiedel'sches Eisenwerk zu Lauchhammer in 1831 was used for dewatering . The original low-pressure machine with condensation was later converted into a high-pressure machine by MH Göbel from Zauckerode . The machine was in operation for a maximum of two months a year. Nothing is known about the likely existing steam hoist.

The shaft, set at 198.22 m above sea level, reached a depth of 202.00 meters. The Gitterseestolln came in at a depth of 26.60 meters. From 187.00 meters, the first seam with a thickness of 2.70 meters was intersected. The first level was hit at a depth of 193.00 meters and is identical to the second level of the neighboring Moritzschacht . The cross passage driven to the southeast reached the first seam after 18 meters.

The building field of the Emmaschacht was relatively small. To the east the seam became numb after 120 meters. Towards the south it became unbuildable after 250 meters. With the driving of two case sections (reel mountain and route) with a length of 600 meters from a at -11,00 NN wayside m up to a m at -195 NN wayside on Meisel shaft , the Flözverbreitung was examined and a connection to Meisel shaft manufactured. The first seam was only worth building over a length of 160 meters.

Nothing is known about the date of cessation of operations on the Emmaschacht. At the opening of bankruptcy proceedings against the Gitterseer Steinkohlenbauverein on July 21, 1859, the mine had already been closed.

In 1993, the shaft was aufgewältigt and the Bergsicherung Dresden to the grid lake Tolln here with a Betonplombe custody .


  • Eberhard Gürtler, Klaus Gürtler: The hard coal mining in the Döhlen basin - shafts left and right of the Weißeritz , house of the homeland Freital, 2000.
  • Hermann Credner: Explanations of the special geological map of the Kingdom of Saxony , Royal Finance Ministry, Leipzig, 1892
  • Julius Petzold: The Plauensche Grund , Ernst Blochmann, Dresden, 1842

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