Emmy Dörfel

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Emmy Dörfel (* 1908 in Plauen ; † May 18, 2002 ) was a German nurse.


Dörfel belonged to the KPD and worked in the Jewish hospital in Berlin . Because of her political work, she fled to Paris after the Nazis came to power and joined the International Brigades in Spain in 1937. Then she fought in the French Resistance . In 1941 she was arrested by the Gestapo and sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp . In 1945 she managed to escape from the concentration camp.


In 1963 she received the Florence Nightingale Medal in Dresden . It is listed in the virtual monument “Righteous People in Care”.


  • Renée Lugschitz: Spain fighters: foreign women in the Spanish civil war 1936–1939. LIT Verlag , Münster 2012, ISBN 3-643-50404-7 , p. 88.

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