Energy summit

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The energy summit was a political meeting between the German federal government and representatives of the German energy industry . The first summit took place in Berlin on April 3, 2006, the second on October 9, 2006, the third on July 3, 2007. The aim of the energy summit is to do the preparatory work for an overall national energy policy plan planned by the end of 2007 .

At the first summit, the participants indicated their planned investments in the energy sector up to 2012. According to this, 30 billion euros are to be invested in the electricity sector in the conventional sector and up to 40 billion euros in the renewable energies sector . Together with investments in the heating and fuel sector, the renewable energy sector is planning to spend more than 71 billion euros. At the same time, energy efficiency should be promoted. The federal government provides 1.4 billion euros annually for building renovation, and the federal funds for energy research are to be increased by at least 30% by 2009. Most of this information was already known before the energy summit.

What was particularly remarkable at the first energy summit was that, in addition to envoys from the conventional electricity industry, representatives from renewable energies were also present. This was seen as a sign that Chancellor Angela Merkel did not want to rely unilaterally on fossil and nuclear energy in the future.

Back in autumn 2004, the then Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder had planned an energy summit due to the rise in electricity prices, at that time only with representatives of the conventional electricity industry. According to the government, the meeting never took place due to the diverging interests of the actors involved.


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