Energy Identification Code

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The Energy Identification Code ( EIC ) is used in European energy trading to clearly identify individual systems and market partners.

The allocation of codes (two central registries English Central Issuing Office , CIO ) coordinates. The ENTSO-E is the central issuing body on the electricity market and ENTSO-G on the gas market . The actual allocation of EIC is done (by local Vergabestelle English Local Issuing Office , LIO ). In Germany these are BDEW for the electricity market and DVGW Service & Consult GmbH for the gas market.

The code consists of 16 digits consisting of digits, capital letters and the hyphen. The first two digits consist of digits, the third digit indicates the type of code and the last digit is a check letter. The coding of the check letter is explained in the reference manual. In Germany, the first two digits of the code are 11 in the electricity market, 14 in Austria and 12. In the gas market, the first two digits are 21.

It is between codes for

  • Market participants, in DE also balancing groups (EIC-X),
  • Areas such as balancing areas, countries or control area (EIC-Y),
  • Substations or parts of substations (EIC-A),
  • Transport lines and transformers (EIC-T),
  • Technical resources such as generation and consumption units (EIC-W),
  • Measuring points (EIC-Z) and
  • Data providers (EIC-V)


The balancing areas for electricity are assigned by the ENTSO-E (CIO) and have 10 in the first two digits. The third digit is a Y. The following codes are assigned for the balancing areas in German-speaking countries.

code description country
10Y1001A1001A63L Trade zone for DE, AT and LU
10YDE-ENBW ----- N Transmission system operator TransnetBW DE
10YDE-EON ------ 1 Transmission system operator TenneT DE DE
10YDE-RWENET --- I Transmission system operator Amprion DE
10YDE-VE ------- 2 Transmission system operator 50Hertz DE
10YAT-APG ------ L Transmission system operator APG AT
10YCH-SWISSGRIDZ Transmission system operator and trading zone Swissgrid CH

A complete list is published by the ENTSO-E.

The EIC-W codes are assigned to generation and consumption systems. Individual generators can also receive a code. This will be explained in more detail using the example of the Jänschwalde lignite power plant and the Wehr pumped storage power plant from the Schluchsee group. The Jänschwalde power plant consists of six individual blocks (AF). The Wehr pumped storage power plant consists of four turbo sets and is operated jointly by ENBW and RWE Power and two small shareholders.

code Surname
11WD8JAEN1L --- AD Jänschwalde Block A
11WD8JAEN1L --- BB Jänschwalde Block B
11WD8JAEN1L --- C9 Jänschwalde Block C
11WD8JAEN1L --- D7 Jänschwalde Block D
11WD8JAEN1L --- E5 Jänschwalde Block E
11WD8JAEN1L --- F3 Jänschwalde Block F
11WD8JAEN1L ---- Z Jänschwalde blocks AF
11WD4WEHR1HA094P Weir machine A09, part ENBW
11WD4WEHR1HA097J Weir machine A09, part of RWE
11WD4WEHR1HD4 - Y Weir machines A09, A10, B09, B10 share of ENBW
11WD4WEHR1HD7 - M Weir machines A09, A10, B09, B10 share of RWE
11WD4WEHR1HS --- G Weir overall power plant
11WD4WEHR1HD4 - Y Schluchsee power plants (weir, among others) share of ENBW
11WD4SWSW5HD7 - F Schluchsee power plants (Wehr, etc.) RWE share

Web links

  • / ... - Application aid for Energy Identification Codes (EIC) in the German and European electricity market

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Energy Identification Coding Scheme (EIC) Reference Manual. ENTSO-E, June 18, 2015, accessed on August 18, 2016 (English, Document for Approval Version 5.0).
  2. EIC APPROVED CODES. ENTSO-E, accessed on April 22, 2020 (English).