Engerhafer liturgy

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The Engerhafer Liturgy of 1583 was a Lutheran order of worship in East Frisia .

Historical situation

After attempts in 1579/80 to bring the Lutheran and Reformed fractions of the East Frisian regional church together failed - especially due to the religious discussion on Berum - this was divided into a Lutheran and a Reformed part in 1583: The Lutheran Count Edzard raised II. 1583 the Coetus of the Reformed preachers of East Frisia and his court preacher, Johannes Ligarius , created a new Lutheran liturgy, the introduction of which in the communities of Osteel , Siegelum and especially Engerhafe , where it was used until 1901, is attested.


The Engerhafer liturgy is said to have included four forms for baptism , Lord's Supper , wedding ceremony and patient visitation, whereby only the first two have survived.

The sacrament service

According to the Engerhafer liturgy, the Lord's Supper service should be structured as follows:

  1. Sursum Corda : "Lift up your hearts to God, dear brothers and sisters, and let us cheerfully praise us with Psalm 111."
  2. Preface: recitation of Psalm 111
  3. Then the pastor says: "But this is the healing foundation of God, for which we thank him so happily."
  4. Institutional Report: "Our Lord Jesus Christ ..."
  5. Singing: " O Lamb of God innocent ..."
  6. "Admonition" of the communicants
  7. "O Lamb of God innocent ..." is sung a second time.
  8. The congregation kneels down to the pastor's prayer for "a worthy reception of the sacraments":
  9. Lord's prayer
  10. absolution
  11. Another chant: "O Lamb of God innocent ..."
  12. Distribution with donation formulas, with the singing of Psalm 23
  13. Admonition
  14. Thanksgiving
  15. Prayer for teaching (reading from Joh 15,1ff.  EU )
  16. blessing


  • Anneliese Sprengler-Ruppenthal : Lutheran liturgical forms in East Frisia at the end of the 16th century . In: Collected essays: on the church ordinances of the 16th century . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2004.

Original quotes

  1. "Lift up your hearts to God, dear brother and sister, and let us go with the CXI. cheerfully praise the psalm. "
  2. "Recitato psalmo dicat sacerdos: But this is God's holy foundation for which we thank him so happily"
  3. "Canatur O lam God's innocent etc."
  4. "Deinde exhortantur communicantes hoc modo: [...]"
  5. "Canatur secundo O lam of God etc."
  6. “Et dicat sacerdos: Kneel down, beloved in the Lord, lift up your hearts to God and let us pray reverently. [...] "

Individual evidence

  1. Sprengler-Ruppenthal, Liturgical Forms , 1
  2. Srengler-Rupenthal, liturgical forms , 2
  3. Anneliese Sprengler-Ruppenthal, Liturgical Forms , 4
  4. Sprengler-Ruppenthal, Liturgical Forms , 5