English House (Muskauer Park)

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Foundations of the former English house

The English House (Polish: Domek Angielski ) was a historic house in the northeastern part of Muskauer Park on the eastern bank of the Neisse . The building, which is located near the English Bridge , used to be a popular excursion destination.


The house was built around 1820 for Hermann von Pückler-Muskau . After the Second World War, the building was completely destroyed. Today only the building foundations exist.

Web links

Commons : Englisches Haus - Dom Angielski  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Muskauer-Park.de: Terrassenpark
  2. Park Mużakowski i atrakcje geoturystyczne okolic Łęknicy - Muskauer Park and the geotouristic sights in the vicinity of Łęknica (Polish)
  3. World Heritage Scanned Nomination: Muskauer Park / Park Muzakowski

Coordinates: 51 ° 33 '27.9 "  N , 14 ° 43' 6.5"  E