Ensemble Gilles Binchois

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Gilles Binchois (right), namesake of the ensemble

The Gilles Binchois ensemble is a French mixed ensemble specializing in the interpretation and performance of music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance . It was founded in 1979 by Dominique Vellard , who has been running it ever since.

Publications and concerts

The ensemble's repertoire ranges from early Gregorian chant to Renaissance music at the courts of Burgundy and Flanders . One focus is on French music. The interpretations are kept simple and use effects from additional instruments sparingly.

The Gilles Binchois ensemble has released over 35 records, the majority of which have received top awards from French music magazines such as Diapasons d'Or . They appeared on various record labels, including Harmonic and Virgin Veritas . There are also several compilations . The ensemble went on concert tours in several European countries.

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