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Decoupled birch trees in the Altwarmbüchener Moor

With Entkusselung ( alemannisch also Enthurstung ) or Entkusseln is in the landscaping removing young trees, so-called Kussel , of heaths , wetlands and drained peatlands designated. The emerging woody growth, which mostly consists of pioneer tree species such as pine , willow or birch, is removed with spades, brushcutters or chainsaws .

In addition to targeted grazing and controlled burning, decussing is a form of cultivated landscape maintenance to keep heaths, lean and dry grasslands , wet meadows and drained bog areas ( bog heaths ) open , which would develop into forests as a result of succession . With this type of landscape maintenance, certain biotope-typical plant communities are to be preserved. In drained moors, excessive evaporation from the trees should also be prevented.

The Rhön biosphere reserve is maintained in this way.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Otti Wilmanns: On the development of Trespenrasen in the last half century. Insight - Outlook - Review, the example of the Kaiserstuhl (PDF; 2.8 MB) in: Düsseldorfer Geobotanische Kolloquien 6, Düsseldorf 1989, ISSN  0176-0769 pp. 3–17
  2. ^ Open land maintenance of moors , Lüneburg Heath Nature Reserve Association
  3. Unkusseln for biotope care , NAJU Naturschutz-Wiki