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The Gentile Christian preacher Epaphras ( ancient Greek Ἐπαφράς ), the name is a short form of Epaphroditus (Greek Ἐπαφρόδιτος), came from Colossae , one of the three centers of early Christian assemblies in the Lycostal region in Asia Minor . Colossae was in Phrygia , not far from Laodicea and Hierapolis .

Epaphrat is considered to be the (co-) founder of the early Christian community in Kolossai , to which the Epistle to the Colossians , written by Paul , is directed.

Paul, whom he visited while he was imprisoned in Rome and informed about community life in Colossai, calls him a “beloved fellow servant” and “faithful servant of Christ” ( Col 1,7  EU or in the Elberfeld translation ). Epaphras is mentioned in two other places in the New Testament :